Baba is You Walkthrough Part 3: Solitary Island

Welcome to Part 3 of the Baba Is You walkthrough – Solitary Island. There are a total of 16 levels in this area, so let’s get started…
Level 0: Poem
First, move to the top of all the text on the left side of the level. Push the column of IS texts down twice and push the VIOLET text left into the little nook.

Next, move the ROSE text around to the bottom and put it underneath the left column of text.

Push the left column of text up once and now you can control the Violet coloured Roses. Move them up and left so that one Rose connects with Baba who is now Win and that’s it, we did it!

Level 01: Float
For here, we want to move ROCK over to the left and up so that ‘ROCK IS YOU’.

Now move one of the Rocks into the Flag and that’s this level done.

Level 02: Warm River
For this one, simply move AND and FLOAT out and upwards and connect it to the top-left words so that the sentence becomes WATER IS HOT AND FLOAT. This will mean that Baba no longer floats, so you can walk underneath the Water and the Skulls and walk into the Flag.

Level 03: Bridge Building
First, you’ll want to bring down ROCK and IS down a bit so it spells out ROCK IS YOU downwards and BABA IS YOU sideways.

Now that the top Rock isn’t hugging the Hedge Wall, we want to push the ROCK text left one and down one. After that, manoeuvre PUSH next to the IS so that it spells out ROCK IS PUSH.

Now we can push the two rocks side-by-side together into the Water so that the Water sinks and creates a path to the Flag (water sinking… weird).

Level 04: Bridge Building?
This level is very deceiving, it’s actually super simple. All you need to do is push two texts into the Water and then walk into the Flag. That’s it.

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Level 05: Victory Spring
First, we want to push one Cog into the middle-right tile of Water and then the other into the middle-left tile so that the Water in the middle takes the shape of a squashed I.

Push the TEXT IS FLOAT into the Water to the point where FLOAT is now in the middle Water tile and the sentence reads TEXT IS FLOAT WIN.

Push TEXT down once so that Text is no longer Float and FLOAT falls into the Water (that is a weird sentence).

Now we need to manoeuvre IS and WIN so that they’re below BABA and the sentence reads BABA IS WIN downwards. And then… we win!

Level 06: Tiny Pond
Begin by moving Baba to the bottom of the BABA IS YOU AND OPEN sequence and pushing it up one tile.

Then bring FLAG and KEY up either side of IS to make FLAG IS KEY and you will now have two Keys.

Edit the vertical text so it says KEY IS YOU AND, pushing aside the OPEN for now. The reason is that before you can “open” one of the Water tiles and free the WIN text, you need to push the Keys against the Water tiles to separate them more, so that one is a few tiles above the other and you won’t accidentally delete both Keys at once.

When this is done, you should be able to reconnect KEY IS YOU AND OPEN and use one of the Keys to “open” a Water tile (I used one of the tiles to the right of WIN).

Then you can use the remaining Key to push WIN out, replacing OPEN, and forming KEY IS YOU AND WIN.

Level 07: Assembly Team
First, move downwards so that the two Robots are walking together as shown in the picture below.

Push the BABA text into the top-left corner and then go left once more so that the bottom robot is one frame left and one frame down from the other.

Now get the top-right Robot to walk into the Water in order to create a path for the other Robot.

Move IS and YOU into the top-left corner so that it spells out BABA IS YOU. You’ll now be able to control BABA in the right square and all you need to do with him is walk up into the Flag.

Level 08: Catch the Thief!
First, head down and slightly to the right in order to push BABA IS YOU to the bottom before the Robot pushes BABA across.

Head one tile below the IS within ROBOT IS MOVE and wait for the Robot to re-enter the Skull enclosure before pushing the IS out of the sentence.

Move that IS so that it is one tile left of YOU and put the ROBOT text next to the IS so that ROBOT IS YOU in addition to BABA. Now control the ROBOT to push the WIN tile up twice.

Then move Baba up and left over to the left of the WIN text. Before pushing the WIN text to the right, we want to make sure that the Robot doesn’t walk into the Skulls. To do that, move it down so that it is left of the single bit of wall as shown in the picture below.

When the WIN text is above and one square to the right of BABA IS YOU, push it down all the way so that it is next to YOU.

Push the WIN text to the left once so that BABA IS WIN and ROBOT IS YOU. From here, you can only control the Robot. So bring him over from around the Skulls and walk into BABA to win.
Level 09: Wireless Connection
Push the Robot up so that he is one square up-right of the STOP tile. Then go to the left of the Robot and push him once to the right.

Now push the AND tile just to the right of the Robot.

Once they’re lined up, Replace the PUSH tile with MOVE so that the sentence reads ROBOT IS MOVE. Hold down A so that the Robot moves and release A when the AND tile is in line with the three solitary pipes that are just left of the three FLAG, ROCK and WIN tiles. When everything is in line like the image below, press down once, putting the AND in between FLAG and ROCK.

Now for the next part, push the PUSH tile up in order to form the sentence COG IS STOP. You’ll want to then push the Cog so that it is one row below that sentence and you’ll need to push it once to the right so it is facing that way. Put the IS tile just next to the Cog on its right side.

Now push the MOVE tile where PUSH is so that the sentence reads COG IS MOVE and do the same thing that we did before with the Robot here. Once the IS is in place between ROCK and WIN, you’ll be able to walk into the Flag and complete the level.

Level 10: Evaporating Water
Start by moving the WATER text so that it overlaps the river running down the centre of the screen. Next, move IS and SINK to the right of WATER, forming WATER IS SINK while IS and SINK are on dry land. The WATER text will disappear along with the Water tile underneath.

Now, use IS SINK and the COG text at the top of the screen to form COG IS SINK. Push the Cog through the gap in the river and onto the leftmost Skull, deleting both, and allowing you to push the FLAG text to make FLAG IS WIN.
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Level 11: Prison
Prison was a level that we were stuck with for quite some time. So, we reached out to readers and we were astonished (and also a little envious) as to how many responses we received. So thank you so much: Danny Mannix, Olivier Charre, Jason Winerip, Taylor Acree, Daniel Kane, Deltath Riylaan, Zoltán Nagy, Ben Chaplin, Mario Hecker-Schmidt, Thomas George and Yoann Sanmartin – you are all amazing, thank you so much!
EDIT: We’ve had to edit this level due to update 1.0.3.
Using the IS in BABA IS YOU, make KEKE IS PUSH vertically. Then Push Keke down and right so that he is just underneath STOP.
Disengage KEKE IS PUSH by pushing PUSH out of the way. Then push WALL IS STOP down once so that STOP is overlapping Keke.
Push KEKE left and down so that KEKE IS YOU and move up once in order to disengage WALL IS STOP.
Make WALL IS WIN and walk into the Wall.
Extra Level 1: Boiling River
Push AND to the left and FLOAT to the right. Then, push AND down to the bottom, just to the right of MELT.

Push down BABA IS YOU so that the bottom line reads BABA IS MELT AND YOU.

Manoeuvre IS and FLOAT next to WATER so that WATER IS FLOAT. Now, you can head straight for the Flag.

Extra Level 2: … Bridges?
Manoeuvre the text tiles so that BABA IS YOU goes sideways and ROCK IS YOU is going downwards, like shown below.

Now that you can also control the Rocks, bring across IS and WIN whilst keeping BABA out of the Water. Connect it sideways with ROCK to form ROCK IS WIN and you’ll automatically win.

Extra Level 3: Tiny Isle
Tiny Isle was a level that we were stuck with for quite some time. So, we reached out to readers and we were astonished (and also a little envious) as to how many responses we received. So thank you so much: Jason Winerip, David Willis and Deltath Riylaan – you guys are the real heroes!
Move BABA IS YOU AND OPEN up two spaces. Then move KEY up and replace BABA with it so that the sentence becomes KEY IS YOU AND OPEN.

Push BABA down one space and move FLAG up to make FLAG IS BABA.

Move the BABA text up and remake BABA IS YOU AND OPEN. Now that you can control both Babas now, manoeuvre them so that the bottom Baba sacrifices itself in the Water tile that is two spaces left of WIN.

Push BABA IS YOU AND OPEN down two spaces and push AND next to WIN, followed by OPEN.

Push BABA IS YOU down twice so that IS is next to OPEN. Lastly, push KEY next to is so that it now spells KEY IS OPEN AND WIN.

Now you can walk into the Key and win!
Extra Level 4: Dim Signal
Push the Robot up so that he is one square up-right of the STOP tile. Then go to the left of the Robot and push him once to the right. Now push the AND tile just to the right of the Robot.

Once they’re lined up, Replace the PUSH tile with MOVE so that the sentence reads ROBOT IS MOVE. Hold down A so that the Robot moves and release A when the AND tile is in line with the three solitary pipes that are just left of the four text tiles. When everything is in line like the image below, press down once, putting the AND in between FLAG and ROCK.

Now for the next part, push the PUSH tile up in order to form the sentence COG IS STOP. You’ll want to then push the Cog so that it is one row below that sentence and you’ll need to push it once to the right so it is facing that way. Put the IS tile just next to the Cog on its right side.

Now push the MOVE tile where PUSH is so that the sentence reads COG IS MOVE and do the same thing that we did before with the Robot here.

However, now we have nothing left to move over… or so it may seem. Move the IS that’s next to COG in line so that it can slot in between ICE and WIN. Now, we want to use every text tile available to position left of IS and push it all over so that IS slots in place. The Flag will then become Win!