The Messenger - Power Seal 100% Guide (with images & videos)

The Messenger contains a certain collectible called Power Seals that take the shape of coins. They are generally situated off the beaten path and take a great deal of skill to obtain. But in this guide, we’re going to go through each Power Seal one-by-one, world-by-world.
You can obtain some of these Power Seals before the game turns into a Metroidvania but for the sake of this guide, we will be obtaining each one after the genre shift so that we can show you where they are on the map.
Ninja Village
Power Seal #1
To get the first and only Power Seal in Ninja Village, you will need to be in the future (16 bit). If you’ve come here in the past, don’t worry, you can change to 16 bit through this portal…
Now head all the way to the left of this world and jump onto the platform. Do you see that little opening up the top? We want to go there! Jump as far to the right as possible from your platform and use your Rope Dart to grapple onto the little wall that’s coming down; then head upwards.
In this room, use your Rope Dart on the far-right lantern, and then jump up to your left onto the next platform. Then go grab that Seal.
Autumn Hills
Power Seal #1
The first Power Seal of Autumn Hills will require you to be at this frame in 16 bit…
Head up through the top-right entrance and you’ll be here…
Wait for the middle circular saw to make it all the way to the left before you drop down past the saw to the bottom-right. Make sure to use your glide skill to go underneath the bottom floating platform whilst gliding (but not too much as you don’t want to go too high) and go past the middle saw as it is coming back to the right. Glide up and over to the Power Seal.
Power Seal #2
The second Power Seal requires you to be in 16 bit at this frame…
When standing up here, you’ll notice a wall in the top-right corner. Jump off, Rope Dart and cling onto the wall. Make your way up and here you are.
The aim of this challenge is to jump on the highest platform and make your way to the far-left of it as you can. As it is swinging back, drop down onto the lower platform and then when it is past the middle saws, jump off and over to the Power Seal.
Power Seal #3
For the third Power Seal, we’ll first need to be here on the map in 8 bit…
… but when you get here and go down one frame, you’ll probably be in 16 bit and it’ll look like this…
This can be a little frustrating, as the best way to be here in 8 bit is from Forlorn Forest which you can get to by going all the way to the far right of Autumn Hills…
Now that you’re here in Forlorn Forest, you can go through that portal up the top there and then head back to where we were before in Autumn Hills.
Now head back to the frame that we were at a dead end and when we get back, the place looks a little different…
Hack through the blocks in the bottom-left corner and head to the frame with the Power Seal just sitting there in plain sight.
But what about the one below?
Power Seal #4
For this one, do you see the breakable blocks on the bottom-right of screen? To break them, you’ll need to have the Aerobatics Warrior ability that allows you to attack downwards whilst gliding.
Now that you’re in the next room, Drop down the platform and be prepared to do a lot of Rope Darting around the place. Perhaps this video of me nervously fumbling around to get to the end might help…
Power Seal #1
For the first Power Seal in this area, you’ll want to head to this square. However in 16 bit, the way to the seal will be blocked, so you’ll need to change to 8 bit.
Go up one frame and head left to find a portal. Go through it and go back to the previous frame where the entrance will now be open.
This one isn’t too difficult, but just be sure avoid the spikes (obviously) and avoid being squished as the blocks come back.
Power Seal #2
For the second Seal head to this frame, but you’ll want to be sure you’re in 16 bit as the entrance will be blocked in the top-left corner.
If you’re in 8 bit, you can head back to this frame and change it to 16 bit…
When you’re at this frame in 16 bit, you’ll need to use the lanterns to make your way up there in order to break the block.
When inside, you will first need to head right to the first circular portal. To avoid being crushed, as soon as it’s on its way up, jump down and Rope Dart to the blocks and slash like crazy. Head through the portal and then head to the top-left corner to act really quick again. Go through the next portal, follow the path and there’s your Seal.
Power Seal #3
For the last Power Seal in the Catacombs, you’ll need to head to this frame in 16 bit (which you would be in if you had followed the guide for Seal #2) and then head right, outrun the spike wall coming for you and up.
Head upwards and in this frame, make your way into the water to the top-left. Wait at the bottom on the left of the spikes until the moving spikes are about halfway coming up. Then bob up and dash through, make your way down, wait for the gap and then go grab the Seal.
Bamboo Creek
Power Seal #1
For the first Seal of Bamboo Creek, you will need to be in this frame…
However, we’re going to need to be in the future. So if you’re in the past, head down and you’ll notice a circle portal. Go through it and then head back. Simple!
Hack the bamboo sticks that are blocking the way to the left and proceed through…
This Seal has a lot to do with timing, so watch the video below if you’re confused. But to put it in text form, drop down to the wheels to the bottom right. As the spiked wall just above is all the way to the right, attack the wheels, jump up once, quickly run through and jump to grab onto the wall on the top-left. Just as the spiked wall below is past you (and before the one on your level crushes you), drop down to the wheels on the bottom-left of screen. Wait until the spiked wall above is just about to start moving rightward, jump up twice, run through the openings and jump up through the top-right whilst avoiding the spiked wall in front of you and before the doors come back down (I hope that made sense, because that was really difficult to explain).
Power Seal #2
To get to the second Seal, we’ll need to be in this frame…
Stand on the big platform with the wheel that will hoist it upwards. Attack the wheel just enough so that you can get underneath it and proceed downwards so that you’re here…
From the first part, jump up and cling on to the right side of the wall. Kick off and strike the wheel as you are falling to the left and quickly go through the temporarily open door. The next part requires timing, frantic slashing and jumping maneuvers. Jump to the first one and do just that, then make your way to the second one when the time is right (don’t forget to use your downwards attack whilst your gliding which has the range to go past the spiked ball). Repeat and make your way over to the Seal.
Perhaps a little less clumsy than that, but you get the idea…
Power Seal #3
In this frame, do you see the bamboo opening in the bottom-right corner? Head there and break it open!
Jump up to the first wheel and strike it just as the spiked platforming is halfway moving up. Quickly make your way to the next wheel and repeat the action for the next two wheels until you grab that Seal.
Howling Grotto
Power Seal #1
For this Seal, you might be in 16 bit mode, and we want to be in 8 bit.
If you’re in 16 bit, head all the way down to this frame…
Go down and go through the circle portal (as well as grab some sweet Time Shards). Now head back and there will be some breakable blocks for you to go through.
This one is actually quite simple if you can work out when the right time to jump is. Wait for the bottom ball to be at the halfway point heading right. Then jump down before the first circular saw, glide above the middle one and then over the third one to drop down to safety. You’ll want to do this in quick succession, because you don’t want the above spike ball to hit you on it’s way back to the right.
Power Seal #2
Upon arriving in this frame from the left, head up and down the other side to this portal…
Head back up a little and on the right, where there will be a lonesome platform with a breakable block, hit it and go inside…
Wait for the first platform to go back up, jump and use your Rope Dart on the lantern to get a grip on the wall. Drop down and use your Rope Dart again on the platform on the left. When the platform is at its lowest and the middle at its highest, jump to the right and use your Rope Dart on the right moving platform. Now jump up and over the spikes (be careful not to hit them like I did) and grab the Seal.
Power Seal #3
Upon arriving in this frame, you’ll probably be in the past…
But we’ll want to be in the future, so head straight up, go through the portal and come back down to proceed through to the room with the Seal in the bottom-right corner.
This challenge is all about being as quick as possible as well as going at the right time. Get out of the water and stand on the ground where the first push of air is coming from. You’ll want to go as soon as the platforms come outwards, so that when you get up there, the one in the top-left corner will stop you.
Quillshroom Marsh
Power Seal #1
For the first Seal, we’ll need to be here…
But if you’re in 8 bit, then you’re going to need to head to the sparkling square two frames left and one frame up. Now that we’re in the future, head back to where we were before, jump onto the upper platform and climb up the vines just above us…
Wait on the wall until the moving spiked wall on the left is heading back to the left and is just about to start making an opening. Quickly use your Rope Dart (as well as your ability to attack and jump) on the lanterns and make your way across and down to the Seal.
Power Seal #2
The next Seal will require you to be here in the future…
Head down through the bottom-right platform and go all the way to the bottom and left. This challenge is all about timing. The first obstacle requires you to jump as soon as the third circular saw is in the bottom-right corner of its track. Rope Dart your way across and move up. The second obstacle requires a similar process, but wait until the saws start to come down from the top before you jump and use your Rope Dart on the two lanterns. Same with the third obstacle, wait until the walls start heading up and use your Rope Dart to clear the gaps until you get your Seal.
Power Seal #3
For this world’s last Seal, you’ll need to be here in 8 bit.
If you’re not, then you’ll need to head to the portal a few frames to the left first.
Those magic butterflies are portals to the future and if you strike them, the range of the circles expand. First use the monster’s fireballs on the left to strike and double jump up to the platform. Then Rope Dart onto the wall on the left, jump to the top-right then strike the butterfly.
Now proceed onwards and in this room, it’s all about using your Rope Dart to propel yourself forward without getting squished. The best opportune moment to kick off the west wall is when the first spiked wall is about to reach the top. Rope Dart your way through and grab that Seal.
Searing Crags
You can get all of the Power Seals in Searing Crags by simply going along the main path, so don’t fret if you haven’t unlocked any of the other pathways yet.
Power Seal #1
For the first Seal, we will first want to be in this frame so that we can change to 16 bit via the circle portal in the top-left corner…
In this frame, we will want to head to the top-left corner by using the left falling platform and jumping onto the wall before the spike ball hits us.
This challenge is quite difficult, but the aim is to use the Rope Dart on the lanterns to propel yourself forward just as you see an opening with the circle spikes. I’d recommend going into this with some excess health and use your ability that allows you to do a jump after you’ve been hit.
(not exactly the cleanest way of getting across, but hey I got it)
Power Seal #2
For this Seal, we are going to need to be in 8 bit. That can be quite tricky as we had made our way up specifically in 16 bit (however from memory, I think you can get this one before the game shifts to being a Metroidvania). I’d recommend going up to the area that the second Seal is and keep going up and right to change to the past…
So this is where we want to go to change it back to the past…
Now when you go back to that area in 8 bit, there will be breakable blocks that will allow you to go through!
This one is quite tricky as you’ll need to propel yourself forward quickly whilst also avoiding the falling rocks in the middle. But the idea is to wait until the spikes create a big enough opening for you to use your Rope Dart on the first lantern, then jump your way across whilst avoiding the falling rocks, Rope Dart on to the second one and finally Rope Dart onto the wall (that’s a lot of Rope Darting). Remember you can always attack the rocks and jump afterwards or even jump after being hit in order to regain your bearings.
Power Seal #3
For this last Seal, we’re going to need to be in the future. So go back to the frame where we went back to the past and now go back to the future.
Now head up to this frame and head to the left to see some breakable blocks that we can destroy and enter through…
BEFORE GOING THROUGH I would highly recommend activating the checkpoint a little further up.
This Seal is a tricky one, and you are probably going to die a few times. The idea for this one is to get the timing right so that you strike a rock, jump, strike the next one and repeat until you make it to the end. As you can see in the video below, that may not always happen so smoothly, but as long as you can regain your bearings by jumping when you get hit and do your best to carry on, you’ll get there. Remember: fake it ’til you make it!
A little trick is to try to notice the rhythm of the rocks before you go in. Try to count to the rocks as they fall and get a sense for the tempo (1-2-3-4-5, 1-2-3-4-5).
Glacial Peak
Power Seal #1
The first Seal in Glacial Peak is in this frame as soon as you come from Searing Crags. However in the future, you won’t see much here…
What you’ll need to do is come to this frame and go down the left-hand side via holding onto the wall on the right…
Use the Rope Dart on the ring, but be prepared to do some quick jumping on the other side. Jump from one side of the falling snow to the other whilst doing your best to avoid the spikes on top. Head through the bottom-left entrance and here you’ll need to do a similar thing but you’ll need to utilize your Rope Dart. Keep going until you get your Seal.
Power Seal #2
For this next one, we’ll need to be here in this frame, however you won’t be able to proceed in 8 bit…
If you just come from below and make you’re way up, the only way to do that will be to go through the portal below. However, if you go one frame above that portal and fall down in the middle of the screen, you’ll be able to glide your way back to the right and go through the portal again back to 16 bit.
Now when you head back up, there will be a breakable block in the top-right corner that you can break and go through (there is a checkpoint one frame left of here that I would recommend going to and activating first).
This Seal is quite tricky, but very doable. You’ll need to wait until the annoying creature shoots a ball and is about halfway towards you. Jump towards it, strike it, jump again as high as possible and use your Rope Dart on the ice stalactites hanging from above. Make your way up and over and there’s your Seal!
Power Seal #3
The next Seal is all the way up here in this frame, and you’ll want to be in 8 bit when you get there. So on your way up here, you’ll need to make sure that you go through the circle portal that is just past Manfred the ice dragon.
Compared to the first two, this third one is a cinch! Climb up the wall to the left and kill the first bat. Then wait until the ball from the annoying creature is about halfway towards you before you jump off, strike it and jump to the first platform. Kill the annoying creature with a shuriken, go to the next platform and go up, kill the bat and get the Seal.
Cloud Ruins
Power Seal #1
To get the first Seal in Cloud Ruins, you’ll need to go to this frame in 8 bit and make your way up to the top-right corner.
To get there, you need to climb as far as you can go up the left wall, jump and glide to the right and use your Rope Dart on the wall. Then attack and jump from lantern-to-lantern up to the ledge.
This one is quite difficult, but we can do it! The aim is to use your Rope Dart and go from ghost-to-ghost. That may sound difficult, but the trick is to go instantly so they haven’t made their way towards you. After the third ghost, Rope Dart on the wall on the left and grab the Seal.
Power Seal #2
Make your way to this frame and head through the portal to 8 bit…
When you do that, you’ll go down a frame, but make your way back up and go left through the now open entrance.
Go down and do you see that ring? Rope dart to it and propel yourself to the next frame. Now time it right and go grab that Seal!
Power Seal #3
Make your way to this frame and break the blocks to the left of the checkpoint.
Go down and rope dart onto the left side of the moving platform. When it goes down, jump on top of it and when it’s at its lowest point, jump over the second circular saw, Rope Dart to the lantern, jump in mid-air and rope dart to the left side of the second moving platform. Now make sure that the platform doesn’t crush you on your way back up, but jump on it and rope dart to the wall on the right and go grab your Seal.
Power Seal #4
Now that you have nearly made your way to the end of this world, go on a little bit further until you reach this frame…
From the checkpoint, jump and strike the right lantern from as far left as you can be, then jump again to cling to the wall above. Now strike one of the lanterns and jump again to get the last Seal of the level… and some sweet sweet Time Shards!
Tower of Time HQ
To get to collect the Seals in Tower of Time HQ, you’ll first need to speak to the guy in the blue robes to the right and replay the challenge.
Power Seal #1
To get to the first Seal, go to this frame and you may notice that there are some breakable blocks in the bottom-left corner.
This Seal is a long one, but it’s not too difficult. First make your way up a frame, and then you just need to strike each crystal as they come. Don’t forget to jump when you need to. The second part requires you to use your Rope Dart to propel yourself across, but don’t try to hang onto the wall. Instead, attack the lantern and jump your way up. Then use the above ring to Rope Dart to the right, attack the crystal, and there’s your seal!
Power Seal #2
In this frame, we want to head to the bottom-right corner and attack the breakable blocks.
This challenge is all about dodging the saws as you attack the lanterns and make your way up. The best moment to start is when the saw is moving to the left and is about 3/4 the way there. Keep going until you strike the crystal on the left, fall, strike the crystal on the right and then jump (or use the Rope Dart) to go and grab the Seal.
Power Seal #3
For the last Seal here, make your way to this frame and attack the crystal in the top-left corner.
Jump when the circles replicate a C, jump onto the platform at the right, jump and attack the lantern twice, then fall to the platform at the bottom-left, Rope Dart using the lantern and make your way up.
This is as much as we can collect without proceeding with the story. So to get to other worlds and areas, we will provide links of guides for each world that goes over how to get there if you haven’t figured it out already.
Rivière Turquoise
Click here if you need help getting here…
Power Seal #1
For the first Seal, I’d recommend going to the checkpoint here first…
Head to this frame and jump off of the logs going down the waterfall to this platform with the breakable block…
This Seal is probably the most challenging Seal we’ve come across so far. Make sure that you have a few bars of health to spare, because you’re probably going to need them. Jump to the first lantern when the gap of the circle of glowing spikes is at the top-left. Strike the lantern and jump until you can get through to grip onto the wall. Go down when there’s an opening and jump into the second circle with the lantern when you can. Do not go to the bottom lantern! Only use this lantern if you need to make your way down to one of the flower cannons to start again. Instead when the time is right (when the spike circle that you’re in resembles a C), Rope Dart your way across to the next lantern (which is very difficult to do at the right moment). Do your best to make your way up whilst avoiding the spikes, use the next lantern to jump up to the top-right, collect the Seal and then take a MASSIVE deep breath.
(This video took me many tries and it was the best one I could get)
Power Seal #2
Now as you make it to this frame, you might be a little confused…
But if you fall all the way down here, you will get to a flower cannon that will shoot you up there!
Now that you’re up here, fall downwards to the left and as the first circular saw is moving upwards and is about 3/4 the way there, use your Rope Dart on the ring to propel yourself across, strike the lantern in midair and jump whilst still using that momentum. Climb up and grab that seal.
Power Seal #3
When you get to this frame, you may be unaware of the breakable blocks on the left…
In the next frame, strike the flower to change its direction, glide to the other side and use the flower cannon.
In this room, you’ll need to change the directions of a few flowers. First, change the one on the bottom-left. You won’t be able to get back up after attacking it, so just go back the way you came. You’ll also need to change the top-left flower, which can be done if you use the flower cannon in this room and rebound off of the flower that you just changed before. Now that you’re hanging from the top-left, jump off and glide over to the middle flower and strike at it. Now go back into the cannon and watch your work unfold…
Sunken Shrine
Click here if you need help getting here…
Power Seal #1
Make your way to this frame and go through the bottom-right opening where the water is coming from…
In the next frame, avoid the spiked walls and go through the circle portal in the water. Now make your way up through the newly opened entrance and upwards. Wait for the closest spiked platform to go all the way down, jump on in, ride it up until you can jump and strike at the land mermaid thing. Then make your way down, avoid the spikes and collect the Seal.
Power Seal #2
For the second Seal, we’re going to want to be in this frame…
On the bottom-left side, crouch and let the current take you to the next room. Jump over to the next section and use your Lightfoot Tabi to make your way across the spikes all the way upwards and grab the Seal in the top-right corner.
Power Seal #3
For the last Seal of this world, head to this frame, drop down just as the spikes are making their way back from left to right and swim through to the bottom-right entrance.
Traverse your way along the path, avoiding the circular saws and collect the Seal at the end.
Click here if you need help getting here…
Power Seal #1
For the first Seal, head to this frame and jump up to the top-right corner to break the blocks.
This one is pretty straightforward, simply requiring you to glide and dodge the circular saws. Don’t go too high on the first round as there are spikes above and then keep striking the lantern and jumping upwards; the second round is the easiest as you can fly high up as there are no spikes, so try to wait for the top saw to be all the way to the left; the third round is the most difficult: try to wait for the first saw to be at its lowest, glide over it, underneath the second and avoid the sideways spike going downwards and the spikes below (like I didn’t do in the video below).
Power Seal #2
Go to this frame and you’ll want to go through the bottom-left platform behind the spiked wall.
To get behind there, Go down and run right. The spiked wall will come after you, so jump up through the platform, and then go back down and quickly run to the bottom-left and through the platform.
Fall to the bottom, quickly jump and attack the magic butterflies and jump across to the wall. Jump back and over to grab the Seal.
Power Seal #3
After you get the second Seal, jump, glide and strike downwards to break the breakable blocks just beneath you. Go down into the next room, drop through that platform and cling onto the wall on the right. Line yourself up with the demon heads and Rope Dart your way across, but wait until the spitting lava on the right comes back down. Now make your way and grab the Seal.
Power Seal #4
The last Power Seal in Underworld can be very confusing to find, but that’s why we have this guide! First (and surprisingly) you’ll need to be in this frame…
Wait for the lava to go down, head all the way down to the bottom-left corner and quickly go into the next room before the lava starts making its way back up. Head up, wait for the lava to go back down, jump to the left, glide and use the Rope Dart to the left. Go back up and wait for the lava to go back down and do the same to the left again. Now head through the top-left, go down the platform and grab that Seal.
Elemental Skylands
Power Seal #1
The first Seal in this world will be on the first Skyland as soon as you land. To get there, you’ll need to get to this frame…
Jump, attack a lantern, and then jump again onto the swinging platform. Then jump off at the top-left point onto the wall and make your way up.
Onto the next part, go through the platform, make your way over to the wind at the far left and glide up a frame. Attack the ghosts and jump upwards in order to glide over the wall and get that Seal.
Power Seal #2
There is no Power Seal on the second Skyland, but there is on the third at this frame (only in 8 bit) and proceed up the top-right through to the next room…
This one will require you to use some quick reflexes and the use of your Currents Master ability. Make your way into the water to the bottom and line yourself up with the platform rapidly moving up and down. Make sure you are as high up as possible and quickly dash as the platform is moving downwards. But don’t dash too far as you’ll get squashed on the next one. Repeat that until you get past them, dash left as the spiked wall is moving back to the left and on the last challenge, be as low as possible and quickly dash as it is beginning to move up. Then grab the Seal.
Power Seal #3
Onto the last of the Skylands and we’ll want to be here…
Head through the bottom-right entrance and jump and cling onto the wall just to your left. This one is all about hanging onto dear life… the aim is to attack and jump upwards until you get to the top. The last part is the most difficult and may seem a bit out of reach, but you’ll want to use the first fireball to attack and jump upwards, then glide down just a little bit so that you can attack the second one from above. Jump up again and Rope Dart onto the left wall, then go and get that Seal!
Forlorn Temple
Click here if you haven’t collected all of the Phobekins yet…
Power Seal #1
For the first Seal, head through the world in a linear fashion until you arrive at this frame…
Head up a frame from the top-right corner (make sure that you also go over the checkpoint) and then head back down and go down in the bottom-right entrance. Head down and use the rocket to go up, but quickly drop down through the platform so that you don’t get squashed by the spikes, and then head back up behind the spiked wall, head left and flick the switch. Then go right and cling onto the wall, line yourself up with the ring and use your Rope Dart when there’s an opening. Land on the rocket, shoot upwards, wait for the circular saw to start heading back to the left and run in and flick the switch.
Then drop back down onto the rocket again and ride that to the left, fall down to the left to the next rocket, then ride that one up. Continue onwards and go forward when it’s obvious you won’t get squashed. Head up and wait for the spiked walls to be back at the far left and right respectively, run in and crouch in the small ditch, then as the walls spread out, jump out and flick the next switch.
Go back, be careful of the spiked walls again, go down through the platform, fall onto the rocket, ride that left, glide down to avoid the circular saw, land on the next rocket, ride that one up and FINALLY collect the Seal.
Power Seal #2
For the LAST POWER SEAL, you need to head to this frame and proceed left…
From here, you’ll need to head straight up, using the lanterns to maneuver your way up. Once your up to the next frame, use your Rope Dart to grab onto the wall and make your way upwards.
Now that you’re up, jump on the rocket and weave right and then left. When it crashes, fall to the left and activate the second rocket. Repeat this until you get to the top and use your Rope Dart on the lanterns to get to the other side.
Now fall down the gap, weave through the openings as you fall and strike the switch. Now the Seal is available to you. Use the rocket to your right to go back up, use the rockets to crash into the side of the opening that you need to go down and repeat until you get to the bottom and can grab that Seal.
And that’s it! Now you can go back to the Shopkeep to grab what’s inside that chest. But if you came here just to find out what the item is, then I’ve got some bad news… no spoilers here.
We hope that this guide on the Power Seals has helped.
Here’s a list of story guides that may come in handy…
The Messenger – First Key / Key of Hope
The Messenger – Astral Seed / Flowerbed / Key of Strength
The Messenger – Magic Seashell / Underwater Maze / Sunken Shrine / Key of Love
The Messenger – Dark Cave / Magic Butterfly / Fallen Messenger / Key of Symbiosis
The Messenger – Forlorn Temple / Demon King / Corrupted Future / Music Box / Final Boss
The Messenger – Phobekins / Little Creatures
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