Switch Kickstarter Project of the Week - Malkyrs: Arenas of Eternity

For this week’s Switch Kickstarter Project of the Week, we will be looking at Malkyrs: Arenas of Eternity. This game takes real cards and uses the Nintendo Switch’s NFC reader to scan them into the game.
At the time of this article, Malkyrs has already been successfully funded. In fact, it was funded within the first three hours of the campaign! The initial goal was AU$80,833 and they are currently at AU$144,213 from a total of 522 backers with 17 days remaining.
There are a few stretch goals as well, so if you want to check out the campaign and maybe even back it yourself, click here for the Kickstarter page.
Will you be backing Malkyrs: Arenas of Eternity? Let us know in the Comments section below!
Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @switchaboonews for more on Nintendo Switch. And hey, why not check out last week’s Kickstarter Project of the Week: Pro Ergonomic Grips, which is currently at AU$1,516 with 25 days to go?