Pokémon Sword/Shield is Planned to be the Best Pokémon Game Yet

Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield are less than a month away from release and series director, Shigeru Ohmori, spoke to Game Informer about how he wanted these games to be the best Pokémon game yet. Here’s what he had to say:
We set out with the idea of making the ultimate, strongest, the best Pokémon game yet, being on Nintendo Switch, the first time an all-new generation is coming to a console. It was really just every facet of the game: gameplay, visuals, everything. That was really the theme for when I set out making the game: the greatest Pokémon game.
In a separate Game Informer piece, it was also said that Game Freak have expanded a lot since the launch of the Nintendo Switch in order to adapt to the HD specifications. The game’s open Wild Area is said to be widely extensive, allowing you to encounter overpowered Pokémon to present grand challenges to players.
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