Pokémon Sword and Shield Will Have 18 Gyms

Unlike the regular 8 gym system that Pokémon games are known for, it was announced today that Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield will feature 18 gyms that are made up of major and minor leagues.
Here is what series Director Shigeru Ohmori had to say:
“There are 18 different types of gyms in the story, and depending on the version, which gyms are in the minor league and which gyms are in the major league are different. For example, in Sword, the fighting-type gym will be in the major league, but in Shield, the ghost-type. The idea is that every year, the Galar region is playing and which gyms make it into the minor league versus the major league changes.”
It’s interesting to see how this new system is going to play out but one thing is for sure: more battles = more fun.
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