Pikuniku Adventure Mode Walkthrough (Part 5): Volcano / Final Boss

Welcome to part 5 of our walkthrough of the Pikuniku Adventure Mode! Whilst this game is quite linear, there are still some moments and puzzles that may leave you scratching your head. We had just been locked up in a jail cell in the volcano where we left off, so let’s bust out!
Main Objective: Oops, you got captured
After some dialogue with the robot and the worm, you’ll need to find a way to distract the robot. To do this, jump and kick the security camera in the top-left corner.
After some more talk, the worm will bust you out and you can get away via the vent…
Keep going from one vent to the other, up the elevator and then…
Main Objective: Escape from the volcano
From here, you’ll need to avoid the robots from detecting you. Go through the vent next to the worm and in there, hold the Y button down on the fan panel in order to activate it.
With that wind current going up, ride it up to the ledge above. Now that you’re up, go through the first vent that you come across up there. Jump across the platforms and only jump down as the door is falling down.
Quickly jump over the wall to the right so that you are no longer in the robots’ line of sight. Keep going right and activate the panel to lift up the door. Now, you’ll be in a room with six platforms, three on each side. There are three robots, two on the left (bottom and top) and one on the right (in the middle). Go through the vent in the bottom-right. Inside, activate the fan panel and ride the wind up. Now go through the first vent you come across, which is the middle-left.
From here, you’ll want to jump down to the bottom-right platform…
Enter this vent and activate the fan panel. Exit through the vent and jump down to the ground. Enter through the vent in the bottom-right corner (the one that we originally entered to begin with).
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Inside, make your way up the wind current, jump up and ride the second wind current so that you can exit through the top-right vent (there’s a hidden trophy in the top-left corner, by the way).
Jump through the top-right exit, follow the path and read the dialogue. Head through the vent to the other side and make your way to the elevator on the right.
In this next room, the robot on the floor will get destroyed by the laser. Go through the first vent and activate the fan panel. Ride the wind up and go through the right vent. Turn on the panel to activate the laser and destroy the robot, then turn it off again so that you can walk by it.

Don’t worry, we’ll get that other present in our Trophies Guide!
Continue to the right, stand on the black and yellow platform, press the red button, jump up to the top-right and enter the vent. In here, walk to the end, go up the wind current and exit through that vent. Here, we’ll get a neat little cutscene.
After all that, fall down…
Main Objective: Help the villagers
Go to the left and push the black and yellow platform on wheels as far left as it would go. Jump on the platform and press the button so that it raises up. Then jump to the vent in the top-left corner.
In this room, activate both of the door panels, drop down and make your way to the far right. Go up the wind current again and go through the same vent as we did last time. Now go back to the yellow and black platform but go through the top-right vent. Here, we can drop down to the panels and we need to activate them both.
Drop down a level, walk up to the newly activated wind current and go through the vent to the left. Here, activate the panel and the laser will shoot down the cages.
Go back through the vent, move over to the top-right corner and go through that vent we’ve already done twice before. Now, for some dialogue and a science-awed worm.
Main Objective: Stop Mr. Sunshine
Head over to the right of the room and enter the elevator. When you get to the boss fight, here’s what you need to do…
The laser gun is going to follow you, so keep moving from left to right. The gun will eventually stop and grow, meaning that it’s going to shoot there. So make sure that you’re not in its line of sight.
After a few rounds, the robot will use a large hammer and stamp out a bit of the platform.
Don’t try to attack the robot, just keep going. The second time it stamps the ground, it will do so twice. After a little discussion, it turns out that the boss’s weakness is unfair wages.
Once Mr. Top Hat runs away, chase after him and board a little boat that can apparently float on lava.
There isn’t too much advice to give about this section, other than to time your jumps well as he’ll throw a lot of corn at you that will turn into popcorn. When you reach the end, that’s all you pretty much have to do. Well, that and to kick him into space…
From here, enjoy some funny dialogue and watch those credits roll!
Congratulations, you’ve just beaten Pikuniku!
Here are some more guides if needed:
Pikuniku Adventure Mode Walkthrough (Part 1)
Pikuniku Adventure Mode Walkthrough (Part 2)
Pikuniku Adventure Mode Walkthrough (Part 3)
Pikuniku Adventure Mode Walkthrough (Part 4)
Pikuniku Guide: The Golden Tooth from the Silver Frog
Pikuniku Co-op Levels 1-5 Guide
Pikuniku Co-op Levels 6-9 Guide