Pikuniku Adventure Mode Walkthrough (Part 1): The Beginning

Hello and welcome to our walkthrough of the Pikuniku Adventure Mode! Whilst this game is quite linear, there are still some moments and puzzles that may leave you scratching your head. So, let’s get into it…
Main Objective: Wake up
Ok, I don’t think I’m going to need to explain the tutorial for you, so just make your way through it and get out of the cave.
Main Objective: Where are you?
When you get out of the cave, make your way to the far right. Try to cross the bridge and it will collapse under you.
Jump up onto the right ledge and continue going right. You’ll come up to some villagers who will call you the beast and lock you in a cage. They agree to let you out on the condition that you help them repair the bridge.
Main Objective: Find a way to repair the bridge
Head back to the bridge that we had previously broke and kick the tree just to the left of it…
With that, a spider will fall down from a web. Kick the spider to the right and it’ll fly over to the other side, making a bridge made from the web. Cross the bridge and head back to the village.
Main Objective: Go talk to the painter
To find the painter, jump onto this house and then up the platforms to the apple tree.
Head left a little bit and jump onto the umbrella. This will send you upwards, so land on the floating island to the right and enter the house with paint all over it.
Enter the house and speak to the painter. He’ll explain that he has lost his pencil. So naturally, we need it get it back.
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Main Objective: Find the pencil hat
Still inside the painter’s house, make your way to the right and down the stairs. Here, we’ll need to stack the two boxes on top of each other so that we can jump from on top of them in order to get up to the left ledge where the pencil hat is. To do this, we’ll need to move the left block over to where the right block is. Then walk to the right and kick the button so that the blocks falls on top of the other and they stack.
Now you can grab the pencil hat! Once you’ve done that, speak to the painter. Follow his instructions and equip your new hat. With the hat on, interact with the easel and draw a scarecrow face (or anything you want, really). Here was mine…

I’m better at writing guides than drawing…
Main Objective: Replace the scarecrow’s face
Now that you have the face, head outside and make your way to the left. Go past the wheel, past the cornfield, past the bridge and use this mushroom shown below to boing your way up to the platform where the friendly scarecrow is…
Put the new face on the scarecrow and watch some plot points unfold. Once that’s done, make your way to the right and watch some more plot moments. Now you can more freely explore the world and collect coins. But to continue with the plot, make your way to the far-right and you can now cross the chasm by using the lift.
Continue to the right and you’ll enter a brand new area.
Main Objective: Explore the world
Make your way to the right and use the grappling rings on the floating platforms to swing your way up.
You’ll want to keep swinging to the right until you’re up to the platform pictured below. Here, kick the big boulder and let it fall down.
Now jump on top of the boulder and use it get over the big obstacle. Continue to the right until you get to the big wall. Do you see the zigzags in the wall at the bottom? Those zigzags mean that you can walk through them and reveal hidden and secret areas.
In this cave, kick the rock with the mushroom on it to the left so that when you jump on the mushroom, it will propel you up so that you can use the next mushroom.
Once you’ve made your way to the top, kick the door for it to open.
Now that you’re outside, you’ll want to use the grappling rings again in order to swing from one to the other (kind of like Spider-Man).
Go left, up and then right so that you can now get to the top of the cave that we were in just before.
Walk to the right and through the flower bulbs so that they quickly sprout. You can actually use these as platforms, so once you have them all sprouted, make your way up to the cloud just above them.
Up here, use this opportunity to collect some coins. Once you’re done up there, jump over to the other side. However if you fall down, here’s what you’ll need to do…
Step on the button so that the water will shoot out and upwards. Walk into it and it will propel you upwards, but it will go back down because you’re not on the button anymore.
So what you’ll need to do is propel yourself over to the right ledge where the acorn is. Now that you’re up there, kick the acorn off of the ledge and get it on the button so that the water will keep spouting without you having to stand on it.
Now you can ride the water back up and make your way to the other side. Over here, feel free to explore. To continue with the story, make your way to the far right and through to the next section.
Click here for Part 2…
And here are some more walkthroughs and guides if needed:
Pikuniku Adventure Mode Walkthrough (Part 3)
Pikuniku Adventure Mode Walkthrough (Part 4)
Pikuniku Adventure Mode Walkthrough (Part 5)
Pikuniku Guide: The Golden Tooth from the Silver Frog
Pikuniku Co-op Levels 1-5 Guide
Pikuniku Co-op Levels 6-9 Guide