Octopath Traveler - Secondary Job Guide

Stuck on where to find every Secondary Job in Octopath Traveler? Well, we thought we’d put up a little guide for you. We’re still working on a guide for the more advanced Jobs, but here are the basic eight…
To get the Apothecary secondary job, you’ll need to be in Saintsbridge and head through the eastern exit to East Saintsbridge Traverse.
Follow the path, past the NPC with the speech bubble and down-right through this passage…
Go all the way through the path and at the end is the cave where the Apothecary job is!
To get the Cleric secondary job, you’ll need to be in Stillsnow and head through the left exit to Western Stillsnow Wilds.
Head left past the signpost, until you get to this lake…
Head down towards the screen and a little to the left, around the trees and to the right is the cave where the Cleric job is!
To get the Dancer secondary job, you’ll need to be in Wellspring and head through the eastern exit to Northern Wellspring Sands.
Follow the path and head up-left, past the wounded soldier and up to the flag that’s on the right.
Head left directly from the flag through a passage that you may not realize is there. Continue onwards and you’ll find the cave where the Dancer job is!
To get the Hunter secondary job, you’ll need to be in Victors Hollow and head through the right exit to East Victors Hollow Trail.
Head right and at then up at the first bend.
Up ahead, head right at the signpost and continue right through the first path furthest from the screen.
Keep going, and there’s the cave where the Hunter job is!
To get the Merchant secondary job, you’ll need to be in Stonegard and head through the western exit to North Stonegard Pass.
… But that’s not where the cave is. You’ll need to follow the path to this intersection where the save point and signpost are and head upwards away from screen.
Simply follow the path up and around and proceed onwards to Moonstruck Coast.
Proceed along the main path all the way to the signpost, head left, past the save point and keep going.
Go past through the rock pillar and proceed up and around. This is where the cave to where the Merchant job is.
To get the Scholar secondary job, you’ll need to be in Noblecourt and head through the left exit to Western Noblecourt Flats.
Head left past the circus tent and head down towards the screen when you get to this gap in the fence.
Once you get to the NPC with the speech bubble above his head, head down-right along the passage and keep going right and you’ll see this cave where the Scholar job is!
To get the Thief secondary job, you’ll need to be in Quarrycrest and head through the southern exit to South Quarrycrest Pass.
Head down to the first intersection and then head left.
Follow that path to the left, up and then left when you get to the cliff.
When you get to the bridge, don’t cross it and keep going left. Go down and back around to the right and hidden out of view is the cave where the Thief job is!
To get the Warrior secondary job, you’ll need to be in Stonegard and head through the western exit to North Stonegard Pass.
Follow the path down and around until you get to the save point and the signpost.
Keep going left and where it goes up, go left down the ramp instead and you’ll find the cave where the Warrior job is!
And there we have it, all of the eight basic secondary jobs!
Also, be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @switchaboonews as well as Instagram @switchaboo. And if you’d like to read more on Octopath Traveler, why not read our overview of the eight characters in the game?