Nintendo Will be Selling a Switch Bundle Without a Dock, but Only in Japan

Just a few days ago, Nintendo Japan announced that they will be selling a new Switch bundle that didn’t include the dock, Joy-Con grip, AC adapter and HDMI Cable for 24,980 Yen (5000 Yen cheaper than the original bundle).

Credit Nintendo
When this was announced, we in the west began to ask whether we will be getting the same treatment for a cheaper, more portable, bundle. However, Nintendo just announced that they currently have no plans to bring this bundle outside of Japan.
It’s a shame considering many families already have a Switch dock plugged into their TV and they would just like a second device for another family member. But who knows, perhaps the bundle will prove to be very successful and they’ll reconsider?
But what do you think about this new piece of information? Let us know in the comment section below.
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