Nier: Automata Dev May Have Interest in Switch Port

During an official Square Enix Presents stream, director Yoko Taro was questioned about whether Nier: Automata will be making its way to the Switch just like it has to the Xbox One.
Taro had this to say:
YT: Well, um, when are we getting the Switch version Saito-san?
YS: Well, it’s not all on me to decide because PlatinumGames do take painstaking time to develop for each console.
TT: Well, I don’t think it’s a good idea to ask me about something as big as this.
YT: I want a Switch version, Taura-san! Give it to me!
TT: Well, I’d like to have one too if it’s about what we want.
YS: Well, Taura-kun’s Twitter account is shown on the screen here and if everyone asks him for it, then there may be a possibility that it would become a reality. But even if it does, it might be about two years from now again. See we keep our jobs alive by releasing a little by little.
TT: Yes, we try to stretch it out as much as possible.
YT: And this Twitter account is for asking for new girlfriends too right?
TT: Well, yes, but please contact Saito-san about Switch and not me.
So you heard the man, go on Twitter and be as loud as possible about a Switch port!
Would you like to see Nier: Automata on Switch? Let us know in the comment section below.
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