Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom - Heart Pieces Guide

This guide contains the locations and instructions on all of the Heart Pieces in Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom. So, let’s get started…
Village of Lupia
In the Village of Lupia, you’ll need to be able to get to the top of the Windmill.
Double jump to the left and there will be a chest that requires you to fire 20 fire spells at it. Once you’ve done that, enjoy your Heart Piece.
This one is west of Village of Lupia, to the left of Green Fields, in this frame…
Head through the door and here we’ll be needing the pig to sniff out the bombs underneath in order to see where to ground-pound as the lion. But to save on all of that transforming back and forth, here is the order to which you need to ground-pound: right, left, middle, left, middle, right, middle. If you did all that correctly, transform into the snake and squeeze through the hole to the left…
And down the bottom is a chest with the Heart Piece inside.
The third Heart Piece in the Village of Lupia took so long to explain that we had to make a whole new article for it. It involves the mysterious corked well in the Village of Lupia. So to find out where it is and how to get it, click here…
The Misty Woods
We’re going to want to head to this frame…
In the frame below, climb the rope up…
… and that’s all there is to that one.
The Sewers
Head to this frame
Sniff the cloud here and a ghost will appear and float to the left.
When you get to here, the ghost will float downwards. Follow him down the ladder.
Sniff the cloud here and he’ll appear again…
And then a chest!
Crystal Caves
In the Crystal Caves at this frame, you will need to head over to the right and spit venom to activate the crystal.
Now that the pillar has fallen down, transform into the pig and jump in the water. Head all the way down, making sure you get the bubble for air, and then the second bubble on the bottom-left (you’ll move sideways faster as a snake).
Now that your back up with some time to spare, stick onto the moss on the left side of the pillar and wait for it to go back up. When it does, jump over to the left, go up and around and open the chest to find a Heart Piece.
For the second Heart Piece in Crystal Caves, you will need to have the Crimson Boots to melt the ice and be able to transform into the frog. Once that’s covered, head to this frame…
Stand on the ice and equip the Crimson Boots. You’ll melt through the ice and be able to collect the Heart Piece from the chest.
The Lost Temples
Warp to this frame in The Lost Temples (note that you’ll need to be able to throw four boomerangs in a row)…
Head to the right, over the waterfall through the invisible wall to the right.
And then you are going to need to throw those four boomerangs at once at the chest to get the Heart Piece inside.
Skullrock Beach
For the Heart Piece here, head to this frame and transform into the frog…
Swim down and to the left so that you’re under the boat and do you see where there’s a window without a cannon? Swim upwards through there and open that chest.
Boom! Heart Piece.
Village of Aeria
For the first Heart Piece of this section, head to this frame…
The chest is on a floating island just left of the elevator door that goes up to Sir. Hoots.
You’ll need to throw 20 bombs at it so if you don’t have enough, there is a magic shop directly underneath.
The Volcano
For the first Heart Piece in The Volcano, head to this frame…
This part is like a game of Minesweeper but less confusing. You want to dash through as the lion, but there are hidden bombs within. To uncover them, you want to sniff them out with the Pig…
Make your way to where the pig is in the image above and dash upwards as the lion…
Dash to the right until you get to the image below. However, we’ll want to dash downwards as you’ll be able to see in the next image that there is just more bombs further to the right.
Now that we are where the lion is in the image above, dash to the right BUT STOP IN THE GAP, because as you see in the image below, there are more bombs. Once you’ve done that, ground-pound to the bottom.
Dash to the right but not all the way as there is a bomb at the end.
When you get to here, dash upwards…
Then a little to the left, up and open the chest to find another of the Heart Pieces.
Haunted Manor
(Note: You’ll need to have collected four Super Lightning Truffles in order to open this chest)
To be fair, this one is just before Haunted Manor. It’s actually in the Waterfall Area just before Deadwood Graveyard in this frame…
From the last waterfall, fly up-left through to a hidden area…
Fly off to the left and weave in between the spikes as best you can.
When you get to here, use your fireballs in rapid succession in order to clear your path.
Head through the door…
And in there is a chest that requires you to use 20 lightning spells on the chest. Transform into the pig and stand just underneath the chest. Now spam the X button (on Nintendo Switch) and once you know you’re in the right position, close your eyes unless you want to feel like your in a club with an intense strobe light in it.
To get this Heart Piece, you will need to have beaten Mack Malino in a race for the second time and have got the Dragon Talisman back.
In the main room, go to the top-left corner and breathe fire on the bat lantern statue by holding down X.
This will create a portal. Head through it and drop down to the bottom in order to possess the heavy armoured statue in the bottom-left corner of this room (you have to be very quick)…
Simply move it out of the way so that you can head through the door behind it. In this room is a chest with the Heart Piece inside…
Castle of Lupia
There’s only one Heart Piece in the Castle of Lupia, so let’s get it! Head to this frame…
On the ledge, equip the Cloud Boots.
Step off and the wind will take you onto the cloud. Jump upwards and the wind will carry you to the next one.
Then jump off to the right and onto this cloud…
And here, flick the switch.
That will lower the pillar which will allow you to get to the door by walking off to the left and letting the wind take you there.
In here is a puzzle in itself. You’ll need to equip the Morning Star and jump and attack the ground just as the penguin guard on the bottom is underneath the planks. This will bring him up a level, so repeat this process until he’s up there with you.
Take him out and you’ll get the cog that will unlock the wooden gate. Now go open that chest and grab that Heart Piece!
The Dark Realm
For the one and only Heart Piece in The Dark Realm, head to this frame…
In the top-left corner, there will be some dark goo that you can hack into in order to make it down to the bottom.
When you get there, focus your attention on the cyclops and take him down by dashing behind him when he tries to attack you and slash at his back.
Once the cyclops has been taken care of, the Heart Piece is all yours!
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Lastly, here are the rest of our guides on Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom if you need them:
- The Volcano
- Waterfall Area / Deadwood Graveyard / Haunted Manor
- Three Relics
- Castle of Lupia
- Castle Prison
- The Dark Realm
- Lion Warrior Boss Guide
- Voldrake Boss Guide
- Nabu Boss Guide
- Lord Xaros Boss Guide
- Corked Well Guide
- Gold Armor Parts
- Gold Boots Parts
- Gold Bracelet Parts
- Gold Shield Parts
- Gold Weapon Parts
- Ollie’s Music Sheets Guide
- Truffles Guide
- Power Gems Guide
- Legendary Gems Guide
- Golden Gems Guide