Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom - Gold Shield Parts Guide

This guide covers the locations of all five Gold Shield Parts in order to obtain the Golden Shield. So, let’s get started…
But first, here are the guides for the other Gold Parts in case you’re going to need them as well:
For our first of the Gold Shield Parts, head to this frame inside Crystal Caves…
In this room, transform into the snake and spit venom at the crystals in the middle to reveal a bouncy block.
When bouncing from the block, it’ll shoot you up into a hidden area.
Head to the right and in this room, you’ll want to light the torch as either the pig, dragon (preferably) or human.
But a gust of wind will mysteriously blow it out.
This is because there is a mischievous little skeleton hiding in the shadows, so blow some fire to the left to reveal it.
Once you take it out, the chest will appear!
For the second of the Gold Shield Parts, you’ll want to be in this frame at Skullrock Beach (the reason why this is the second part is because you’ll also need to be able to transform into the snake)…
Here, we want to transform into the pig and sink down so that you’re on a ledge just right of the sunken ship. If you don’t land on it, you can transform back into the snake and float up for a bit and then transform back into the pig. Crouch down and fire a fireball into the grate to the left.
This will turn the wheel and a chest will drop out of the ship.
Get off from the ledge and make your way to the left. Transform into the snake and cling onto the moss. Make your way over to the other side, get up to the chest and grab the Gold Shield Part.
For our third part, we’ll need to head to this frame as the dragon (you can get to the chest from the right side as well)…
You may be a little confused as you may think that you have to jump onto the block that takes you to the background. But instead of doing that, simply fly into the middle without going into the background and there will be a chest on a lonely little island.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the third of the Gold Shield Parts!
For this Gold Shield Part, you’re going to need Pepelogoo to have joined you and be using his light beam attack. Once you’ve got that, head to the bottom-west exit of this room…
This is the room where we pushed the block into the water not too long ago. But this time, head up and left, use your light ability to zap the roof tentacle roots and get to the other side.
Now that you’re on the left side with the two orbs, stand in the middle of them and shine your light upwards onto the reflecting mirror on the ceiling. Hold it in a position where the lights rebound onto the orbs for a few seconds and then they will open up the grate in the water that was stopping the block from getting to the end.
Now push the block onto the button and proceed to the newly opened entrance. You will be trapped in this room until you defeat the four ghosts, but the Jigglypuff with whiskers makes things a little easier with its light zapping attack. Once you’ve defeated the ghosts, transform into the snake and squeeze your way through the little hole. In that chest is the Gold Shield Part.
For this Gold Shield Part, you’ll need to be in the room that’s just before the final boss in the Haunted Manor that contains the safe. Click here if you’re not sure how to get there.
So now that we’re there, we’ll want to go inside the portal and then possess the safe, but you might be confused as to what the combination is. You haven’t seen any clues or hints in regards to a combination for a safe…
The secret is: there is no hint. When you’re turning the dial, you’ll know when you’re coming up to the next number as the screen will shake. However for convenience sake, the code is 4 2 6 7 2. However, you have a time limit and you’ll want to turn the dial in the correct directions so you don’t run out of time. So, the order is: anti-clockwise 4, clockwise 2, clockwise 6, anti-clockwise 7, anti-clockwise 2.
And there it is!
So now we have all the Gold Shield Parts, we can take them to Foximus in the frame below who will make them into the Golden Shield!
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Lastly, here are the rest of our guides on Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom if you need them:
- The Volcano
- Waterfall Area / Deadwood Graveyard / Haunted Manor
- Three Relics
- Castle of Lupia
- Castle Prison
- The Dark Realm
- Lion Warrior Boss Guide
- Voldrake Boss Guide
- Nabu Boss Guide
- Lord Xaros Boss Guide
- Corked Well Guide
- Heart Pieces Guide
- Ollie’s Music Sheets Guide
- Truffles Guide
- Power Gems Guide
- Legendary Gems Guide
- Golden Gems Guide