Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom - Castle Prison Walkthrough

If you’ve followed all of the map location pointers and spoken to Julio, the owl near the observatory, and the Mysticat has run away from you, then you just need to head all the way to the right to get to the Castle of Lupia and eventually the Castle Prison.
As soon as you get to this area, head down the first ladder. Down here, you’ll come across a penguin guard with a sword and shield. I found that the best way to fight him is to keep your distance and spam him with fireballs.
Before you flick the switch on the left, take out the penguin that throws the net in the bottom-right corner.
Transform into the lion, flick the switch on the far-left and dash all the way to the right.
When you get to the end, transform back into the dragon, drop down and fly to the far left.
Dash into the button on the wall as the lion and that will activate the first cog in the other room.
Now head back up and proceed to the right. For the annoying penguins who throw spears at you, use your shield to deflect them and send them back their way in order to game a moment’s opportunity.
Now head down the third ladder and this time the switch is in the bottom-right corner and the button the top-right. Remember to take out the net thrower and apart from that, it’s the same thing just reversed. Now head down the middle ladder and you’ll be facing a giant armored guard.
When the big guy looks like this, that means he’s about to dash your way, so fly up to avoid him…
He’ll also do one of these, so again, make sure to take to the air…
The best way to damage him is to shoot fireballs at his back after you’ve dodged his dash at you. When you’re face on with him, you can also shoot fireballs at his head, but it’s a smaller window of opportunity and he can be getting ready to attack at any moment.
Once you defeat him, head downwards into the next area – Castle Prison.
As soon as you get into Castle Prison, ignore the snake hole to the left and head right. This is a stealth mission, so do not try to attack or shoot fireballs at the penguins. Also try to stay out of their line of sight, which you can see by the little shining area coming from them. If you get caught, you’ll be sent to the dungeon where you’ll need to transform into the snake in order to get out and you’ll be where you started.
For the first penguin, simply jump up to the ledge above and continue onwards (these penguins aren’t particularly bright). In the next room, keep heading down until you’re on this level and transform into the pig to use your sense of smell in order to find the switch…
Flick the switch and you can head down the ladder that just appeared (there is a Power Gem behind the guard just above).
On the bottom level, transform into the snake and squeeze through the little hole on the right…
In the next room, transform into the lion and ground-pound through the blocks just up ahead. Then transform into the snake and slither your way to the other side, jumping up just as the guard walks past.
Then transform into the dragon and fly up and right to the crate. Push it off so that it falls onto the guard to take him out.
Now head over to the top-left side where there is a bouncing block. Transform into the frog and use your tongue to grab it. Now head all the way to the right (being careful to avoid the remaining guards) and set it down just below the moss on the ceiling. Transform into the snake and jump onto the block to bounce up and stick onto the ceiling. Slither across, spit venom at the plant thing, slither some more and drop down behind the penguin in order to flick the switch. Now we can proceed to the next area all the way to the left.
We first want to go to the room at the bottom-right and talk to the bored guard. Don’t worry about getting the answer wrong because… they’re all wrong. We just want him to send us to the jail cell so that we can meet Sir. Hoots.
After a brief conversation with the owl, transform into the pig and sniff out the answers…
Now transform into the snake to cling onto the moss covered wall and make your way over to the hole in the wall. Now that we’re back, we want to head back to the bored guard, but this time with the answers.
When he asks “How many holes are there in the cheese?” The answer is 14.
When he asks “What colour is the King’s favourite kind of tomato?” The answer is Blue.
When he asks “What can you bake by mixing all our passwords together” The answer is Pizza.
Now that you can proceed, continue to avoid the guards’ line of sight and head up to the top. Get up on the top-left platform and transform into the snake.
In this room is the chest that contains the Prison Key. Now that you have that, go back into the room and go through the hole on the right side. Make your way back to the elevator room and go through this exit…
In this room, transform into the lion, jump onto the moving platform and upwards dash through the blocks above.
Dash and jump through the blocks in the top-left corner and use the bouncing block to go to the next room and unlock the door to the left.
Head inside, talk to Sir Hoots and you’ll teleport back to the Observatory where he will give you the Falls Key so that we can head to the Haunted Manor.
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Lastly, here are the rest of our guides on Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom if you need them: