Konami Announced Arcade Classics, Castlevania and Contra Anniversary Collections for Nintendo Switch

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We don’t hear much from Konami anymore, which some may argue to be a good thing. However, many gamers still hold a special place in their hearts for the classics of yesteryear.
Konami has now announced three collections that will all be available digitally. We only have the price for the Arcade Collection Arcade Classics which will go for $19.99USD, which includes:
- Haunted Castle
- Typhoon (A-Jax)
- Nemesis (Gradius)
- Vulcan Venture (Gradius III)
- Life Force (Salamander)
- Thunder Cross
- Scramble
- Twinbee
Castlevania Anniversary Collection will include:
- Castlevania
- Castlevania III Dracula’s Curse
- Castlevania II Belmont’s Revenge
- Super Castlevania IV
- Four mystery games
And the Contra Anniversary Collection will include:
- Contra
- Super Contra
- Super C
- Contra III The Alien Wars
- Four mystery games
There will also be eBooks available for all of these collections, but Konami has yet to share much detail on that.
Further information can be found on the official website by clicking here.