Kickstarter Project of the Week: Zombiotik

For this week’s Switch Kickstarter Project of the Week, we will be looking at Totema Studio’s Zombiotik. Here’s the rundown:
Zombiotik is a 3D local multiplayer video game based on tag and created by Totema Studio. It can be played by up to 8 players simultaneously. Zombiotik offers a quick and exciting experience to all levels of gamers with it’s simple controls and mechanics.
Each player controls the movements of their character with the joystick and executes actions with two buttons only. It’s easy to learn for everyone: as much for your nephew as for your grandma.
Humans can build and upgrade barricades. The number of available barricades recharges with time. Only humans can pass through basic wooden barricades (which will effectively slow down zombies). A barricade can be upgraded twice to be made into a solid brick wall that will block both humans and zombies. For humans, survival is key to victory.
Zombiotik requires CA$5,000 and is currently sitting at CA$1,124 with 25 days remaining.

Does Zombiotik look like a game for you? Let us know in the Comments section below.