Kickstarter Project of the Week: Out of the Hat

For this week’s Switch Kickstarter Project of the Week, we will be looking at Not a Number’s Out of the Hat. The game is slated to release in March 2020. Here’s the rundown:
Out of The Hat is an innovative puzzle platformer where you will be thrown in a bizarre world inspired by the masters of the uncanny, including Tim Burton, Terry Gilliam, HP Lovecraft and many more.
You will follow the adventures of a little girl, as she runs aways from the clutches of an evil Magician and his Circus. You will face the dangers of the woods and other unusual places, but also experience the magic that this adventure brings with it.
Just like with magic, nothing is what it seems: the world you’re exploring hides one big secret and as you push deeper in this adventure you will realise that something does not add up. Magic has changed this world, almost as if it had been shaped by someone’s fears.
Out Of The Hat is a journey inspired by fairy tales and archetypal nightmares, where you can rise from dark events or succumb to them; where you will have to face your monsters if you hope to overcome them.
Out of the Hat is scheduled for release on PC and Nintendo Switch in March 2020. It currently requires €50,000 and is currently sitting at €7,127 with 23 days remaining.