Jump Rope Challenge - Switch Review (Quick)

Well, no one expected this. Jump Rope Challenge is a game about the art of jump rope, using the Joy-Cons to mimic the action and ensuring that you keep up daily exercise whilst many of us are in isolation. Meet the minimum requirement and each day and come back the next day to do it again.
- Good physical activity
- Freedom to increase/decrease the minimum daily challenge goal
- Little bit of rumble with each jump
- Charming aesthetics
- Cute bunny trainer
- Change costumes with a click of a button
- Two-player mode to exercise with your family
- Music tempo increases and decreases depending on the pace of your jumps
- Just a wacky idea…

Enjoying our Jump Rope Challenge Switch review (Quick) so far? Don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for more Nintendo Switch content. Also, please consider supporting us on Patreon so that we can continue to do what we love doing.
- Missing a little bit of that Nintendo polish
- Only available until September
- No music in menu
- Ain’t no Ring Fit Adventure

Final Score: 70%
Nintendo are always one for encouraging physical activity and maintaining a healthy wellbeing, which shows that Jump Rope Challenge may not be so out of left field as we’d once think. I personally love seeing Nintendo utilised their console’s technology in fun and creative ways and Jump Rope Challenge is the epitome of this. At the end of the day, it’s nothing special and it is literally just jump rope with a colourful coat of paint slapped on top but for the low price of free, there’s really no excuse not to download it and start jumping.
Thank you for checking out our Jump Rope Challenge Switch review (Quick) and thank you to our $5 and up Patreon Backer for their ongoing support:
- Andrew Caluzzi (Inca Studios / Camped Out!)
- Belinda Cubitt