HORI Announces INSANE Daemon X Machina Joy-Cons

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As we had learned more about Daemon X Machina at E3, so too did we get the announcement are making some Joy-Cons themed after the game. Not only are they themed, but they also replicate a more traditional controller feel. Check them out…

Whilst these controllers look awesome and seem comfortable, they also come with a few sacrifices: can only be used in Handheld Mode, they lack gyro sensors, IR, HD Rumble and NFC compatibility.
But if you want some more traditional Joy-Cons for handheld mode, then these may be exactly what you’re looking for at a price of 4,780 Yen (approximately £34 / $44US).
[su_button url=”https://www.amazon.com/Daemon-X-Machina-Nintendo-Switch/dp/B07DJZNHHY” target=”blank” style=”3d” background=”#2a17b3″ size=”8″ center=”yes” text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #000000″]Pre-Order Daemon X Machina from Amazon[/su_button]