BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! Single-Player 100% Walkthrough: World 9 (Fun with Warp Portals)

BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! may start off pretty simple, but it gets tricky pretty quickly. So let’s get started on the single-player segment: World 9 Fun with Warp Portals.
As there is a lot to cover, you may stumble across a solution to a level that may either be incomplete or not to the best it could be. If you have any solutions, please be so kind as to email us at and we’ll be sure to provide credit if we use it.
World 9-1
Boxes Used: 7
Jump into the warp tile as instructed. For the second section, make a three-boxed backwards L and climb up. For the third section, place a single tile underneath the top-right warp tile and walk into the other warp tile to land on the box for you to be able to jump over the spikes.
For the Crown, make another three-boxed backwards L and place it on top of the spikes. Then jump into the warp tile, you’ll fall down onto the Crown and be able to proceed to the door.

World 9-2
Boxes Used: 14
Make two boxes above you as instructed and walk into the warp tile. Do the same thing but with three tiles for the second section.
For the Crown, Do the same thing once again but leftwards. Pull yourself in to the grab your reward.

Then drop down and make three horizontal boxes rightwards and walk into the warp tile again.
For the last section and the second Crown, make a three-boxed right hook (up x2, right). Go through the warp tile, fall down to collect the Crown whilst moving to the right to hook onto the ledge (this may take a few attempts, but you’ll get it).

World 9-3
Boxes Used: 13
Make two boxes to the right, walk into the warp tile and move to the right to grasp onto the edge. Make three boxes in this order: right x2, down and jump down into the warp tile, only to hop to the right to safety.
For the last section and the Crown, make a four-boxed right hook starting from the left (as shown below) and jump into the warp tile. Press Y and you’ll collect the Crown as you come up and around. Lastly, use four boxes to get a footing on the right ledge and proceed to the door.

World 9-4
Boxes Used: 10
Make one box to the right and jump into the warp tile. On the other side, drop the box just next to the cannon and use it as a step up.
For the Crown, make a three-boxed forward-facing L to the left so that when you go through the warp tile, you’ll able to push it to the left and grab the Crown.

Moving on, make a three-boxed right hook (up x2, right), jump through the warp tile and hook the next ledge. Lastly, cover yourself from top to the right with three boxes (up, right, down) and jump through the warp tile.
World 9-5
Boxes Used: 11
Make three boxes vertically to the left and hop over to the warp tile.
For the next section and the Crown, make a three-boxed backwards L, climb it to collect the Crown and push the boxes to the far-right. Jump onto the bottom-left box and make a leap to the warp tile.

For the second Crown and the end, drop a single box onto the cannon to stop the laser. Jump over to the other side but before going into the warp tile, make four vertical boxes and throw them onto the same laser cannon. Now go through the warp tile and land on top of the boxes. Grab the Crown and jump back over to the door.

World 9-6
Boxes Used: 15
Make a three-boxed backwards L and jump into the square warp tile. Then make a four-boxed left hook (up x3, left) and go back through the square warp tile and falling to the left so that you can hook onto the platform and pull yourself up.
To get the Crown, make four vertical boxes next to you and hop up to get it.

Make a four-boxed right hook (up x3, right) and jump through the circle warp til to cling onto the floating platform on the right. Pull yourself up and that’s it.
World 9-7
Boxes Used: 19
Make four boxes horizontally to the right above you (up, right x3), jump into the square warp tile and pull yourself in.
For the Crown, make a five-boxed even left hook (right, up x2, left x2), jump into the circle warp tile and when you pull yourself up, you’ll grab the Crown.

For the diamond warp tile, make five boxes horizontally to the right above you (up, right x4), jump in and press Y.
For the last Crown and the door, make a five-boxed right hook from the left (left, up x3, right) as shown below and jump into the square warp tile, collecting the Crown and pull yourself up to finish World 9.