BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! Single-Player 100% Walkthrough: World 7 (Spring to the Top)

BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! may start off pretty simple, but it gets tricky pretty quickly. So let’s get started on the single-player segment: World 7 Spring to the Top.
As there is a lot to cover, you may stumble across a solution to a level that may either be incomplete or not to the best it could be. If you have any solutions, please be so kind as to email us at and we’ll be sure to provide credit if we use it.
World 7-1
Boxes Used: 7
Step on the spring to go up. For the second spring, you’ll only need to use two boxes… same with the third spring.
For the Crown, make a three-boxed left hook (right, up, left) and ride it up.

Then push the boxes to the right once and ride it up again to reach the door.
World 7-2
Boxes Used: 9
Throw two vertical boxes into the middle of the zappers and ride them up. Do three for the second one. For the third springs, make one box above BOXBOY and you’ll avoid the zappers.
For the Crown, make a three-boxed right hook and throw as far right as you can. Jump on them, get the Crown and ride the boxes up to the door.

World 7-3
Boxes Used: 11
Jump up to where the spring is, make a single box and push it down onto the button; as it is falling, jump up to the spring. For the second spring, make one box so that it is teetering on the edge and jump onto the spring. Then make three horizontal boxes and throw it onto the button.
For the Crown, make three horizontal boxes above you (up, right x2) and throw it button. When sprung in midair, land on the left ledge. Then make a three-boxed right hook (right, up, right), jump and cling onto the right ledge. Press Y to pull yourself up and you’ll collect the Crown along the way.

World 7-4
Boxes Used: 19
Jump onto the first spring and throw a single box onto the button. Then on the second spring, you’ll need to throw two boxes.
For the Crown, we’ll need to make a four-boxed right hook (up x3, right), hook onto the spring and pull ourselves up. Then drop a single box onto the button and collect the Crown.

Once that’s done, drop down and make a three-boxed left hook (up x2, left) and hook onto the left spring. Then make three horizontal boxes and throw them onto the button to get up and over.
Lastly, stand on the first spring and throw a single box on the button. On the second spring, you’ll need to make four boxes in this order: left, down x2, left. Throw it onto the button, spring up and get to the door.
World 7-5
Boxes Used: 16
Drop two vertical boxes down to the springs and wait for them to be pushed to the blue silhouette. Then make a four-boxed left hook (right x3, down x2), throw it down, use it as a bridge to cross to the other side and then the spring will push it to the red silhouette.
For the Crown, make a five-boxed even hook (right x3, down x2), throw it down and use it as a bridge to get to the other side and collect the Crown.

Then make another one of these but drop it next to the springs so it will push them over to the blue silhouette and you can get to the door.
World 7-6
Special thanks to Emuchu for solving this one!
Boxes used: 9
Drop a single box down in front of the spring, then land on it before the spring triggers to transport you across the spikes.
Next, drop a vertical stack of 4 boxes in front of the second spring, and jump onto it, so that when the spring pushes you and the boxes across, you can jump to reach the first crown.
Finally, make 4 blocks – two across, then two more vertically below the second one – and hang them over the edge so that only the bottom-most box is in front of a spring. Jump onto the boxes before the spring triggers, and when you are pushed across, you will collide with the second crown before the boxes fall down.
World 7-7
Boxes Used: 24
Make a three-boxed hook (up x2, right) and pull yourself up from the spring. Then make four boxes vertically and drop it next to the spring so it’ll be pushed to the blue silhouette.
For the Crown, make a three-boxed right hook (up x2, right) and jump to hook yourself onto the right ledge. When you pull yourself up, you’ll collect the Crown along the way.

Once you’ve done that, make four boxes in this order: left, down, left x2 and throw it down as far to the left as possible. Stand on the red button and the spring will push the boxes over to the blue silhouette.
Lastly, make a four-boxed left hook (up x3, left) and hook onto the left ledge to pull yourself up. Then make a single box and place it on the edge so that you can reach the Crown (but don’t fall down).

Once that’s done, make a five-boxed right hook (left, up x3, right) and drop it next to the spring. Jump down to the button, watch the box hook fly to the other side, covering the blue silhouette, and proceed onwards to victory!