BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! Single-Player 100% Walkthrough: World 2 (Switch It Up)

BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! may start off pretty simple, but it gets tricky pretty quickly. So let’s get started on the single-player segment: World 2 Switch It Up.
As there is a lot to cover, you may stumble across a solution to a level that may either be incomplete or not to the best it could be. If you have any solutions, please be so kind as to email us at and we’ll be sure to provide credit if we use it.
World 2-1
Boxes Used: 7
Throw a single box onto the blue button and proceed onwards. Do the same for the red button and use the box as a step. For the second blue button, make two boxes horizontally and throw it onto the button and then jump your way across.
For the last part with the Crown, make a three-boxed backwards L but don’t throw it down into the ditch yet. Instead, situate it just underneath the Crown as shown below and climb up and jump to reach it. Then push the boxes into the ditch, onto the red button and climb up to the door.

World 2-2
Boxes Used: 9
For the first blue silhouette, make two vertical boxes to cover it. For the red one, make three boxes in a backwards L and use them as stairs. To get the Crown and complete the level, make four boxes in the order of right, down, right, right so that it looks like it’s shown below.

World 2-3
Boxes Used: 6
Place a box on the red button and proceed onwards. Then place a single block on the blue button, jump onto it and then jump up on the ledge and cross the bridge.
For this next bit, make two boxes vertically and push it down onto the button. You’ll then be able to jump onto it and nab that Crown.

For the last section, throw two vertical boxes down onto the blue button and you’ll be able to proceed to the end.
World 2-4
Boxes Used: 8
Make two horizontal boxes and push them to the right so that it touches the red silhouette but doesn’t fall down. Jump across and press X to dismantle them. Make a three-boxed backwards L and use them as stairs to go up and grab the Crown. Then press X and fall down to continue onwards.
For the next Crown, make three horizontal boxes and throw them so that they cover the red silhouette and provides footing for you to grab the Crown as shown below.

Then head up and over, dismantle the boxes so that you fall down safely and proceed to the door.
World 2-5
Boxes Used: 11
Make two vertical boxes and use them to cover the red silhouette. For the second section, make two horizontal blocks and keep them balancing so that they don’t fall down, allowing you to get up to the top. Then make three vertical boxes to cover the blue silhouette.
Make two vertical boxes from the higher section and push them to the left so that they cover the red silhouette but don’t fall down. Then drop down, cross the bridge, dismantle the boxes and throw a single box underneath the Crown. Jump down to get it, then back up and proceed to the door.

World 2-6
Boxes Used: 14
Make two horizontal boxes and push them to the right so that it covers the red silhouette. For the blue silhouette, make a three-boxed backwards L and have it covering it so that you can make your way up. Make another backwards L the same way and climb up the makeshift stairs. Then do the same up-left.
Lastly to grab that Crown, make another three-boxed backwards L and balance it on the edge of the block and jump to grab it.