BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! Co-Op 100% Walkthrough: World 6 (Qbby and Qucy Switches)

BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! may start off pretty simple, but it gets tricky pretty quickly. So let’s get started on the co-op segment: World 6 (Qbby and Qucy Switches).
As there is a lot to cover, you may stumble across a solution to a level that may either be incomplete or not to the best it could be. If you have any solutions, please be so kind as to email us at and we’ll be sure to provide credit if we use it.
World 6-1
Boxes Used: 1
Have BOXBOY jump into the blue silhouette, then BOXGIRL into the red one. Have BOXBOY stand on top of BOXGIRL and do the old jump and jump trick to reach the other silhouette.
For the last part, have BOXGIRL stand on top, do the jump thing, and then drop a single box. Use the box to jump into the red silhouette, push the box over to the right so that it’s teetering on the edge and jump to get the Crown.

World 6-2
Boxes Used: 3
Have BOXGIRL stand on top of BOXBOY and have him make boxes upwards for her to jump into the silhouette (be sure to retract the boxes once that’s done). Do the same for the next part, do the same thing but with BOXBOY on top, jump into the blue silhouette and across to the other side. BOXGIRL needs to retract the boxes and then throw one onto the spikes so that she can jump over.
For the Crown, have BOXGIRL stand on top and have BOXBOY make boxes up so that she can get up to the silhouette. Then have BOXBOY make two horizontal boxes and throw them as far right into the spikes as possible so that BOXGIRL can jump to get the Crown and fall onto the boxes to the door.

World 6-3
Boxes Used: 6
Have BOXBOY stand on top of BOXGIRL and have her make and hold two boxes upwards. Then BOXBOY needs to make a four-boxed left hook (up x3, left), and bring him up to open the left roller door to grab the Crown.

Then have BOXGIRL stand on top of BOXBOY with a one box gap in between the right wall and have him make four boxes up and hold it there. Then BOXGIRL needs to make one box up and right and hook onto the top-right ledge to get to the red silhouette.
World 6-4
Boxes Used: 7
Cross the bridge and have BOXGIRL stand on top of BOXBOY to reach the red silhouette. With the bottom roller door open, have BOXGIRL throw a box down just below the blue silhouette and BOXBOY jumps down. Once that’s done, have BOXBOY stand on the left edge of the box and make a box to the right so that it’s half on it which can used as a step to get up and over.
For the second part, have BOXBOY throw a single box down onto the spikes, jump onto it and then over to the other side. Meanwhile, BOXGIRL needs to make one box up and right and jump to hook onto the right ledge and pull themselves up. Jump into the red silhouette, fall down onto the box and join BOXBOY.
For the Crown and the door, have BOXBOY make a box underneath the red silhouette, and then run back. Then have BOXGIRL jump into the silhouette and fall down. Then have BOXGIRL throw a box to the left, collect the Crown, have BOXBOY jump down into the blue silhouette and then it’s onwards to victory!

World 6-5
Boxes Used: 5
For the Crown, have BOXBOY jump on top of BOXGIRL and have her stand on the edge a five-boxed even right hook (up x3, right x2) – make sure that BOXGIRL doesn’t let this go. Have BOXBOY make a three-boxed even left hook (up x2, left) and hook onto the left ledge as shown below.

Now that that’s done, have BOXBOY jump back down to BOXGIRL’s boxes and make two right horizontal boxes above him (up, right). Then jump over to the blue silhouette to open the door.
To get back, have BOXBOY jump onto the boxes and BOXGIRL will need to retract them.
World 6-6
Boxes Used: 39
Have BOXBOY make a four-boxed left hook (up x3, left) and jump to cling onto the ledge, filling in the blue silhouette when pulling himself up. That will let BOXGIRL do the same thing to the right.
For the Crown, have BOXGIRL repeat the same process to get up to the next ledge, also filling in the red silhouette in the process of being pulled up. Then BOXBOY does the same thing to get up to the next ledge again.
Now for the Crown, have BOXBOY make five horizontal boxes through the bottom zapper (but don’t let it go). Then BOXGIRL can make two horizontal boxes and use it as a hook to get up to the boxes and get the Crown.

Then have BOXGIRL make one box to the right and hook back onto the right ledge, followed by BOXBOY retracting the five boxes.
Have BOXGIRL make another four-boxed left hook and BOXBOY a five-boxed left hook to get to the next ledges. Now we need to do what we did last time for the Crown, but BOXGIRL will need to make the five horizontal boxes and retract them once we’re done. BOXBOY will only need to make one horizontal box to hook onto the boxes, walk into the blue silhouette and make one left horizontal box to get back to the left ledge.
Now BOXGIRL can retract the boxes, stand underneath the red silhouette, make a box to the side and then make them down so that she covers the silhouette. Retract them once that’s done and make a four-boxed left hook to get up to the door. For BOXBOY, make a five-boxed even right hook (up x3, right x2) and pull him up to the door.