BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! Co-op 100% Walkthrough: World 2 (Switches to Shutters)

BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! may start off pretty simple, but it gets tricky pretty quickly. So let’s get started on the co-op segment: World 2 (Switches to Shutters).
As there is a lot to cover, you may stumble across a solution to a level that may either be incomplete or not to the best it could be. If you have any solutions, please be so kind as to email us at and we’ll be sure to provide credit if we use it.
World 2-1
Boxes Used: 7
Have each player place a box onto a button. To get the Crown, have one player stand on top of the other and jump.

Then have one player place a box onto the button and the other player place a box to the right to create some stairs. For the last section, make two boxes and put the left one half on the red button. Then have the other player make a box and place it on the right box so that you can use them as stairs.
World 2-2
Boxes Used: 7
Make two vertical boxes to cover the blue silhouette. Do the same for the red silhouette and use the little island for you to jump over to the next part.
You won’t need any boxes to be able to get this Crown. Simply have one player stand on top of the other; the bottom player jumps and whilst in the air, the player on top jumps to reach it.

Then make two horizontal boxes and position them so that the left box is teetering on the left ledge. Have the other player make a box and place it on top of the right box and that will cover the silhouette.
World 2-3
Boxes Used: 8
Make three vertical boxes to cover the first silhouette. For the second, have one player stand on top of the other so that they can get on top of the ledge, and then make two vertical boxes to cover the red silhouette.
For the Crown, make a single box and place it just left of the pit. Have one player stand on top of the other player and then on the box, where you will jump and in midair, the other player can jump and reach the Crown.

Now head back down and push the box slightly to the right so that it is teetering and it doesn’t fall down. Then have the other player make two vertical boxes and throw them on top of the box, covering the blue silhouette
World 2-4
For the Crown, you can simply do the one player standing on the other trick and both jumping.
To complete the level, have one player make two vertical boxes and place them to the far right. Help the other player get on top of those boxes and make three horizontal boxes (but make sure that you make the first one above you). then drop them and move down from the boxes so that the line of three will fall onto both of the silhouettes.
World 2-5
Boxes Used: 4
Have one player stand on top of the other and jump up to reach the platform above. Then have that player make a box and place it on the button.
Do the same for the next section, placing a button on the red button. Have the other player stand on the blue button and now the top player can simply jump to grab the Crown.
For the last part and the second Crown, place a box on top of the red button. Then do the one player standing on top of the other trick from the left side of the floating platform and jump to get up there. Then the bottom player needs to stand on top of the box, whilst the other player falls on top of them. You’ll then be able to jump over to the Crown.

Repeat the first part, drop a box onto the blue button and proceed to the door.
World 2-6
Boxes Used: 11
Have the bottom player stand on the red button and wait for the top player to go through and then do the same the other way around. The bottom player needs to use one box to get up and the top three buttons in a backwards L shape.
For the Crown, the bottom player must throw a single box down onto the spikes and collect it.

Jump back out of the ditch, have the top player make a box on the blue button and the bottom player make two vertical boxes above them and stand underneath it to cover the red silhouette. Walk through and have the top player stand on the blue button whilst the bottom. The other player needs to make three horizontal boxes, throw them onto the spikes and jump onto them. Then the top player needs to drop down and onto the boxes, whilst the bottom player stands on top of them and reaches the Crown.