BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! Balloon Challenge Guide

In BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL!, there are some Balloon Challenge levels that you can unlock in the Shop. Some of these challenges are quite challenging and as in true fashion of our walkthroughs, we won’t rest until we’ve received all of those medals.
In order to do receive three medals in each level of the Balloon Challenge mode, we’ll need to pop all ten balloons in a short amount of time, so our guide shows how we did it. However if you have a better solution, please feel free to email us at and we’ll be sure to provide credit if we decide to use it.
Stage 1
Time: 00:20.78
Make a three-boxed backwards L and run to the right, popping the first two balloons. Drop that steps to the far right and climb up.
Make a single box and throw it down to the right to pop the third balloon. Now face left and make a seven-boxed set of stairs up to the platform above (but keep a box gap between the seventh box and the platform). As you climb up, pop the fourth balloon.
Up here, make four boxes above yourself to pop the fifth balloon. Keep those boxes there, walk into the sixth balloon and throw the boxes down to pop the seventh balloon below.

Make four or fives boxes to the left and throw them to the left platform. Then jump onto them and cross to the top-left. From here, you can simply run into the last three boxes.
Stage 2
Time: 00:30.76
Make a seven-boxed staircase to the left, popping the first balloon and jump over to the left side. In the gap with the zapper, stand next to the pit and make eight boxes down and around to pop the second balloon. This will also allow you to cross, popping the third balloon as you jump over the zapper.

To the left side, make as many boxes down and to the left as you need to pop balloons four and five. Head back to the right, making just a few boxes as a bridge to get over to the other side and progress to the middle.
From the lone zapper in the middle, make a nine-boxed staircase to the right, popping the sixth balloon and allowing you to jump up to pop the seventh. Drop down and make a three-boxed backwards L to pop the 8th balloon and use that top step up to the right side of the level. Here, make five boxes in this order: right, up, right x2, down and drop them down to pop both balloon nine and ten to finish the stage.
Stage 3
Time: 00:24.55
Run to the right, make a four-boxed left hook above yourself, popping the first balloon in the process and pull yourself up. Next, make five boxes up to pop the second balloon, retract three boxes and make another box to the left to make a three-boxed even left hook above yourself. Use this to pull yourself up onto the pillar in the middle, jump to pop the third balloon and make a single box to throw down-left in order to pop the fourth balloon.
Now make a four-boxed left hook above yourself and get up to the left platform above. Make another four-boxed left hook but to the right and pull yourself up to the fifth balloon. Make a five-boxed left hook above yourself to pop the sixth balloon, retract two boxes and make one more to the right to pull yourself up. From here, make a five-boxed right hook to the right of yourself, popping the seventh balloon and then drop the boxes, popping the eighth balloon and using those boxes to cross.

From the right pillar, make a few boxes to the right to pop the ninth balloon and drop down to pop the tenth.
Stage 4
Time: 00:25.75
In this stage, you can hop. Stand on the edge and make a box to the right and a few down. Use that to hop over the spikes, popping the first balloon in the process and placing the boxes into the dip to pop the second. Once that’s done, dismantle the boxes and make a three-boxed backwards L as steps to make your way up.
From here, stand underneath the balloon, face left and make one box left and four down. This will pop the third balloon and then make way to hop up the spikes to the right. Keep going until you land on on the next pillar, popping the fourth balloon as well.

From here, make one box right and two down and drop down. Hop over the spikes, popping balloons five and six and then drop down.
Simply walkthrough the seventh balloon and make nine boxes to pop the two balloons to the far right. Then drop down into the tenth balloon.
Stage 5
Time: 00:15.85
Face left, make a single box to the left of you and shoot it, popping the bottom-left balloon. Whilst that box is on its way, step down the steps and walk through the balloon that’s there. From the middle step, make a four-boxed left hook above yourself and shoot them to the left, popping two balloons at once as shown below. Then drop down to the bottom step, make. single box to the left and pop the last remaining balloon.

Make your way over to the right side of the level and drop down to the edge of the second-to-top step. Make three boxes in this order: right, up, left, popping the sixth balloon in the process and shoot them to the right to pop the two balloons to the bottom-right. In the same position, make six boxes in this order: right, up, left, up x3 and shoot them over to the right, popping boxes nine and ten.
Stage 6
Time: 00:45.98
Stand above and one box to the left of the trapped balloon and make four boxes to the left. Stand on the rightmost box and slam down twice to pop the balloon. Dismantle the boxes and full down.
Make a few boxes to the left as a bridge, cross over to pop the second balloon and continue onwards.
For the next section, stand above and just to the left of the trapped balloon and make five boxes right and one up. Jump onto the top-right box and slam down five times. This will pop the trapped balloon and allow you to jump up and pop the fourth balloon in the crevice to the right.

Make left and drop down to pop the fifth balloon. Stand on the ledge and make eight boxes in this order: right x2, up x2, right x4. Jump onto the first box, slam down four times to pop the sixth balloon and walk to the left and fall down to pop the seventh.

Next, stand on the edge and make seven boxes in this order: right, down x3, right x3. Jump down onto the boxes and slam them down once, allowing you to walk and fall into the eighth balloon.
Lastly, stand on the ledge facing left and make nine boxes in this order: left, down x3, left x5. Now jump onto the topmost box and slam down three times to finish.
Stage 7
Time: 00:28.81
Make one box left and two down. Use them to hop up the spikes and when you reach solid ground, you’ll simultaneously pop the first balloon. Drop the boxes, face right, make a single box to the right and shoot it at the balloon in the middle.
Face left again, make one box up and another left and jump up-left to hook and pull yourself up, popping the third balloon in the process. Face right, make a five-boxed right hook above yourself and shoot it to the right to pop the fifth balloon that’s behind the zappers as shown below. Stand to the far-left, make a six-boxed right hook above yourself and hook onto the platform to pull yourself up, popping the fifth balloon.

Make three boxes to the right and jump to pull yourself across. Make a three-boxed backwards L above yourself and throw it to pop the balloon above. Then push the boxes to the right a little so that you can slam them down into the trapped balloon below.
Make a few boxes to the right to hook onto the lonely platform, popping the eighth balloon. Drop down to pop the ninth and then again into the gap to pop the tenth.