BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! A Tall Tale 100% Walkthrough: World 12 (To the Skies in Zero-G!)

BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! may start off pretty simple, but it gets tricky pretty quickly. So let’s get started on the A Tall Tale segment: World 12 (To the Skies in Zero-G).
As there is a lot to cover, you may stumble across a solution to a level that may either be incomplete or not to the best it could be. If you have any solutions, please be so kind as to email us at and we’ll be sure to provide credit if we use it.
World 12-1
Boxes Used: 0
Rotate clockwise and walk into the Zero-G. When you hit the right wall, make one box left and another down to push yourself up. Retract those boxes and make one box right then another up to push yourself down. Retract again and make a box left to push yourself out and retract the box whilst floating to the right.
For the next section, rotate upright and walk into the Zero-G. Make one box left and two down to push yourself up. Rotate clockwise and make three boxes: right, up, right to push yourself to the left. Retract the boxes and rotate upright, only to make one box to the left to collect the Crown. Rotate anti-clockwise, make one box right then up to push yourself down, retract them, rotate upright and make boxes to push yourself left.

Walk upright to the right into the Zero-G. Rotate anti-clockwise and make two boxes left and one down to push yourself up. Quickly make one box right and another up to push yourself down. You’ll most likely be stopped by the ledge, so rotate upright and make boxes up to push yourself down into the Crown.

From here, push yourself to the right, rotate anti-clockwise, push yourself up, then right and then rotate upright. Make boxes downwards to push yourself up, push left, down, then to the right towards the door.
World 12-2
Boxes Used: 11
Push yourself up, rotate anti-clockwise and push yourself to the far right. From here, make two boxes up, pushing yourself down, and then make one box to the right just before you collide with the zappers. Retract those boxes and push yourself to the left, then down, rotate clockwise twice and then push to the right. From here, make a box left and another down and press Y to pull yourself over. Rotate upright and push yourself to the right. Rotate anti-clockwise and make four boxes: left, down x3, left and pull yourself through. Rotate upright and push yourself to the left. Make one box left and quickly another up to push yourself down through the gap of zappers.
Push yourself to the far right. From here, make one box right and then another up so that you fall down to safety. Rotate sideway and make two boxes to squeeze into the grab and pull through to grab the Crown as shown below. Do the same but reversed to get back, push yourself to the left and then down to get to the door.

World 12-3
Boxes Used: 16
Push yourself up and then make five boxes to the right to pull yourself across past the first two zappers below. Push yourself down, make three boxes to the right and pull yourself through. Push up, make four boxes to the right and pull through. In order to retrieve the first Crown from here, make one box right and then up to push yourself down. As you descend, make two boxes to the right which will hook yourself onto the ledge, allowing you to pull yourself through and grab the Crown.

Remain rotated, make two boxes to the left and when you’re just below the Crown, make a box downwards to push yourself up into it. However as you’re floating upwards, retract the third box and make one up so that you don’t collide with the zappers above.

Make another box to the left, pushing yourself to the right. You will stop, but simply retract all boxes and you’ll fall down, allowing you to get to the door.
World 12-4
Boxes Used: 0
Push yourself to the left. From here, make one box right and another down to protect yourself from the laser. Make one box down and then left to push to the right whilst being protected.
For the Crown, rotate anti-clockwise, make one box left and then a few down to push yourself up, protecting yourself from the laser and collecting the Crown.

Push yourself back down and from here, rotate upright. Push yourself back up whilst remaining vertical, push to the right and down. Rotate anti-clockwise make a box up then right to push yourself to the left.
Rotate upright, make one box right and another down to push yourself up past the laser above. Rotate clockwise, make two boxes right and one down to push yourself up against the ceiling. Make one box down and then left to be pushed right and towards the door.
World 12-5
Boxes Used: 8
Stand out in the open, make four boxes upwards and pull yourself up into the Zero-G. Rotate clockwise, make one box down and then to the left in order to push yourself to the right past the laser. Then push yourself down.
Stand next to the ledge, rotate horizontally and make four boxes in this order: right x3, up. Wiggle to the far right if you need to and jump in order to the last box to be in Zero-G. Rotate upright and make some boxes downward to push yourself up. Then to the left to push yourself right.
For the Crown and the door, stand upright, make one box to the right and two down to push yourself up past the laser. Rotate clockwise, make one box to the right and three down to push yourself up to the ceiling. Then have one box to the right and make another up, but you’ll want to be very quick by retracting the second box and making one downwards, stopping yourself inline horizontally with the Crown. From this position with two boxes out, make two to the left, pushing yourself to the right and collecting the Crown along the way as shown below. From here, push yourself to the far right as you can, rotate upright, make one box left and another up to push yourself down so you can head for the door.

World 12-6
Boxes Used: 6
Upright, quickly make two boxes right and one down to push yourself upwards. Whilst floating upwards, retract the boxes and make three to the left to stop your momentum before the row of zappers.
Retract the boxes, make one up and three to the right to push yourself to the left. From here, make three boxes left, one up and then pull yourself through to collect the Crown.

Make one box up, right and down to push yourself up. You’ll come up out of the Zero-G and fall back down only to have your momentum going downwards. So make a single box to the right to stop yourself. Make three boxes right, one down and another left to push yourself to the right. Rotate anti-clockwise, make one box to the right and then another down on the floating platform to push yourself up. Whilst going up, retract the second box. Make two boxes to the right and just when you’ve been pushed up out of Zero-G, make a fourth box to hook onto the ledge as shown below. Pull yourself through and make for the door.