Bake 'n Switch Launches on Switch Next Week

We’ve been looking forward to Bake ‘n Switch since it was announced in a previous Indie World presentation and now, we finally have a release date of September 10th.
Check out the press release along with a new trailer:
Ready to get baked?? Violently cute couch co-op party game, Bake ‘n Switch is coming to Nintendo Switch on 10th September! Accompanying this highly anticipated news, Streamline have also released a new ‘Bun Madness’ trailer today to introduce the various Bun breeds to players! Bake ‘n Switch will be available on the Nintendo eShop for $29.99.
Tropic Toaster’s Lil’ Bun starts out as a roly-poly doughball and chomps its way into a Big Lil’ Bun – give these little guys some space, and they’ll do your delicious work for you! The Doughdoughs may not be the smartest Buns in the batch, but while they scare easily, they are easy to herd. Surround them and watch them flock toward the oven and hop right in! While the Doughdoughs and Lil’ Buns may be easier to manage, the Doughrillas have music in their feet and pound their mighty hands to their own jungle beat!
In Serradurra, the sweet “dessert” world, you’ll encounter a whole new bunch of delectably devious Buns. Armadoughs are tough on the outside, but… actually, just tough all the way through! These curly croissants act as giant bowling balls to smash through flavors and barriers. The sneaky Bunboa burrows its body in the sand and launches surprise attacks to constrict your enemies. Fluff Foxes are fiendishly cute – fast, with a stunning tailspin. You’ll need to work as a team to corner these sly confections and corral them into the oven. And finally, Batlava, whose super sweet – and sharp – tooth sucks the flavor right off those Buns in no time flat!
Bake ‘n Switch is available to pre-order on the Nintendo eShop for $29.99. Start your #getbaked journey today!
Source: Streamline Games PR