Baba is You Walkthrough Part 2: The Lake

Welcome to Part 2 of the Baba Is You walkthrough – The Lake. There are a total of 15 levels in this area, so let’s get started…
Level 01: Icy Waters
First of all, you’ll want to head down and move SINK downwards and out of the way.

Now manoeuvre WALL up to the left most Jelly and push it into it so that it will destroy it and you can walk into the Flag to win.

Level 02: Turns
First off, move the first Rock out of your way. Now, manoeuvre the text so that it spells out ‘STAR IS SINK AND PUSH’. Once you’ve done that, push the Star into the skull to the left, destroying both of them.

Now that the left side is open, move AND over and put it just above BABA and then follow suit with CRAB.

Now, you will be able to control both Baba and the Crab on the other side of the wall. Move the Crab down and over to the Flag to beat the level.

Level 03: Affection
This one seems confusing, but it’s actually very easy. Simply manoeuvre the MOVE text down so that the bottom sentence spells ‘LOVE IS MOVE’.

Now the Heart will move on it’s own and when it is outside of the Algae, move the MOVE text out of the sentence so that the Heart won’t go anywhere. Walk into the Heart and the win is yours!

Level 04: Pillar Yard
First off, push the Pillar to the right so that you can get out of the confinement that you find yourself in. After which, take another Pillar and bring it down onto the cobblestone path next to the first Pillar. Push these two Pillars to the right as far as they can go before you run into a Star and die (as well as so there is a Pillar within the square of Stars).

Now take the PILLAR text up the top all the way down and replace BABA with it so the sentence is ‘PILLAR IS YOU. Now move once to the right and you’ll hit the Flag and beat the level.

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Level 05: Brick Wall
This level is such a troll level! Basically, you’ll need to move IS and WIN below BABA so that there is a sentence going sideways that reads ‘BABA IS YOU’ and a sentence going down that reads ‘BABA IS WIN’. Once you do that, you’ll automatically win.

Level 06: Lock
First, push the Key into the Door to open it. Then, push the second Key into the second Door.

Now that there is only one Door remaining but there are no more keys, we’re going to need something else to unlock the Door. So, move the ROCK text and put it where the KEY text is so that the two sentences are ‘ROCK IS OPEN’ and ‘ROCK IS PUSH’.

Head back up to that Rock and push it to the right into the room and into the Door in order to open it.

Walk into the Flag and we’re done.

Level 07: Novice Locksmith
In this first part of the level, we’re going to want to make the text look like a + and have ‘KEY IS PUSH’ and ‘KEY IS OPEN’. Once we’ve done that, push the Key into the Door in order to open it.

Now, move the left KEY text and replace SHUT with it. This will transform the Door below into a Key, to which you can push it and walk into the Flag to beat the level.

Level 08: Locked In
First, move the STOP from ‘WALL IS STOP’.

Move JELLY over to the right and under ‘WALL IS’ so that the Wall around you is an army of Jelly!

Now we’re going to want to move the JELLY text over to the left and replace FLAG with it. Then walk into one of the Jelly and that’s a wrap!

Level 09: Changeless
As soon as you enter this level, the Flag in the middle will turn into a Rock. So as shown in the photo below, push ROCK IS ROCK to the left and then push out the first ROCK text in order to break the sentence. Then with the bottom sentence, swap FLAG and ROCK around so that the sentence becomes ROCK IS FLAG and then walk into the Flag.

Level 10: Two Doors
Push DOOR from the right to the left and replace KEKE with it to make DOOR IS YOU.

Now that you’re the Door, head to the left side of KEKE and push it back to the right to make KEKE IS YOU again.

Push IS and SHUT to KEY in order to form KEY IS SHUT. This will make the Key disappear.

Now push FLAG to the right in order to make up FLAG IS WIN and then walk into the Flag.

Level 11: Jelly Throne
Push JELLY and IS over to the left so that it reads JELLY IS BABA going downwards. This will transform the Jelly into another Baba for you to simultaneously control.

With the new Baba, take STOP away from FLAG IS STOP.

Still with the second Baba, move FLAG down once and all the way to the left so that JELLY IS no longer WIN and FLAG IS now WIN. Then with the top Baba, walk into the Flag and that’s a wrap.

Level 12: Crab Storage
First off, push the IS and OPEN to the left below FLAG in order to spell FLAG IS OPEN.

Push the Flag into the Door to open it.

Take the IS from FLAG IS PUSH and put it below the BABA close to the top and then push the other BABA below the IS that you’d just put there so that it spells BABA IS BABA.

Now push CRAB out from its own little area and up to IS WIN in order to spell out CRAB IS WIN. Now walk into the Crab and that’s this level completed.

Level 13: Burglary
That the IS OPEN away from KEY and push them up to the top-left of the enclosure going downwards from STAR in order to form STAR IS OPEN. Then, push IS and Shut below WALL in order to form WALL IS SHUT. Now that that’s done, push the STAR into the Wall just left of the Door.

Now that you’re out of the enclosure, push IS right once into WIN. Then go back into the enclosure and push KEY next to the newly connected IS WIN in order to spell out KEY IS WIN. Now just simply walk into the Key.

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Extra Level 1: Transform
First, push the Rock twice to the right, just left of CRAB.

Push ROCK to the left against the wall and then up. Because you’ve taken ROCK away from IS PUSH, you can now stand on the Rock itself.

Push ROCK over so that it is above BABA. Push ROCK down so that ROCK IS YOU and move the Rock over to the left side of the level.

Push BABA back up to become Baba again. Now bring IS and PUSH over to the left side and spell out ROCK IS PUSH above BABA IS YOU.

Push the Rock over to the Flag (don’t worry, the Crab won’t bite… snip?). Once you’ve done that, push the CRAB text in the top-right corner so that FLAG IS WIN.

Now push ROCK downwards so that ROCK IS YOU again and walk into the Flag.

Extra Level 2: Sunken Temple
Push the Rock all the way to the right so that the Jelly pushes all the words to the far right. Individually push ROCK, IS and PUSH to the left against the wall, up as far as each one will go and over to the left so that you spell out ROCK IS PUSH right above BABA IS YOU.
Push ROCK down once so ROCK IS YOU. Move the Rock over to the left side, underneath BABA and push it up so that BABA IS YOU again and ROCK IS PUSH. Push the Rock down and on top of the Crab.
Head over to the left of ROCK IS PUSH and push it to the right twice. Push the IS down and place it one tile to the left of the Rock that you had recently put on top of the Crab. Use the IS in between BABA IS YOU to vertically make up ROCK IS PUSH, head to the left of the IS that’s next to the Rock and push it to the right so that the Rock is past the Crab. Now swap BABA for ROCK so that ROCK IS YOU and move once to the right into the Flag.