Pokémon Sword and Shield will not Feature Cloud Saving

Now that Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield are listed on the Nintendo Switch eShop, we can look a little more into its details. One tidbit that’s particularly interesting is the face that the games will not feature any form of backup via cloud as is apart of the Nintendo Switch Online subscription.
This shouldn’t come as too much of a shock considering that the Pokémon: Let’s Go games also didn’t support cloud saves as well as Splatoon 2. The main reason for this is that Nintendo are concerned about players manipulating the experience. Here’s what Nintendo said about it in regards to Splatoon 2:
The vast majority of Nintendo Switch games will support Save Data Cloud backup. However, in certain games this feature would make it possible to, for example, regain items that had been traded to other players, or revert to a higher online multiplayer ranking that had been lost. To ensure fair play, Save Data Cloud backup may not be enabled for such games. To ensure that Save Data Cloud backups cannot be used to unfairly affect online multiplayer rankings, the feature will not be enabled in Splatoon 2.
At the end of the day, Nintendo will do what it thinks is right and there’s more that happens behind the scenes that we fans do not get to see. Still, I can guarantee that I’ll be holding onto my Switch for dear life when I get my hands on Pokémon Sword.
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