Nintendo Confirms No Virtual Console on Switch

Nintendo recently showed off what it has in store for us in September for the Online Service, including that there will be 20 NES titles to play with online functionality and another 10 coming soon. However, there was no mention of Virtual Console – until now.

In a recent interview with Kotaku, Nintendo stated:


There are currently no plans to bring classic games together under the Virtual Console banner as has been done on other Nintendo systems.


Some fans saw this coming, and others didn’t; it is surely a surprise one way or another. However, this doesn’t mean that we won’t be getting classic games on Nintendo Switch.

The spokesperson had this to say:


There are a variety of ways in which classic games from Nintendo and other publishers are made available on Nintendo Switch, such as through Nintendo Entertainment System – Nintendo Switch Online, Nintendo eShop or as packaged collections. Nintendo Entertainment System – Nintendo Switch Online will provide a fun new way to experience classic NES games that will be different from the Virtual Console service, thanks to enhancements such as added online play, voice chat via the Nintendo Switch Online app and the various play modes of Nintendo Switch.


So what do you think about these recent announcements? Are you disappointed, or are you excited about the potential possibilities? Les us know in the comments below.

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