Nintendo Hiring Level Designer for New Legend of Zelda Game

There’s never time for rest at Nintendo as they are currently looking to hire a new level designer for the next Legend of Zelda game.
This role entails designing events, dungeons, fields and enemies. The role seems like a major one, but it’s always great to see Nintendo working on their next Legend of Zelda game. We embedded the tweet down below (even more helpful if you can read Japanese)…
Nintendo is hiring a level designer for The Legend of Zelda series. Will create events/dungeons/fields/enemies from design to actual implementation. Should have game planner experience on console games & can communicate in Japanese.
— 黒凧 BlackKite (@bk2128) May 7, 2018
How do you feel about this news about a new Legend of Zelda game in the works? Let us know in the comments below.
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