Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom - Truffles Guide

This guide covers all of the locations of the Super Truffles in Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom. Not only will we show you where to get them, but we will also be showing you how to get them! So, let’s get started…
Super Fire Truffle
The first Super Fire Truffle doesn’t really need much explanation as you get it within the first five minutes of the game. After you defeat the crabs that Uncle Nabu sends your way, Pepelogoo will give you your first Super Fire Truffle.
The second Super Fire Truffle is also in the opening section, but in The Sewers. First, get the key from the chest here…
Then go down a level and sniff out the door.
This will take you up to the top where you can use the key on the locked door. In that room will be the truffle we’re looking for!
Head to this frame in the Crystal Caves…
In the top-left corner, transform into the snake, cling onto the moss and make your way up and around to the right.
Use your venom to spit at the string of the web so that the spiders fall out of your way. Then continue to make your way to the right and up.
When you jump onto the little platform, transform into the frog and equip the Heavy Boots in order to keep yourself grounded.
This will prevent the wind flowers from pushing you off the platform as it makes its way up.
When you get to the top and are no longer in the way of the wind, unequip the Heavy Boots and head through the door. And inside is the Super Fire Truffle.
In The Volcano, head to this frame…
Then head up and to the left until you see the bottom of some breakable blocks on the ceiling. As the lion, dash upwards to break through them. Then to get to the door, double jump and then upwards dash.
And in there is a Super Fire Truffle.
Head to this frame…
If you can’t transform into the dragon, transform into the frog and propel yourself up on top of the right pillar by using the bow. Ground-pound the pillar down as the lion to reveal a door.
And inside that door is a Super Fire Truffle
Super Boomerang Truffles
For the first Super Boomerang Truffle, head to this frame (Sorry for the map being filled out, we had to go back for this one because we lost the footage).
At the bottom-left, sniff the cloud to reveal a door which contains the truffle inside.
In this frame in Misty Woods, you’ll want to get to the door in the top-left corner.
Make your way across the platforms until you get to here…
Use a fireball to light the torch and a second platform will appear to the left that will allow you to get to the door. You won’t need to jump to get to the other platform. Just wait for it to be aligned so that you can just walk onto it. Go through the door and sniff out that Super Boomerang Truffle!
The third Super Boomerang Truffle is in Crystal Caves in this frame.
As the snake, active all four crystals, three on the platforms and the fourth on the roof that requires you to climb along the moss. Once you’ve activated all four, a door will appear in the bottom-left, allowing you to go to the next room and grab the Truffle.
Head to this frame in The Volcano…
Jump all the way up to the top so that you are on the crumbling platforms.
Double jump and dash upwards through the invisible wall in the ceiling.
And there will be a door that leads to the Truffle.
Head to this frame by transforming into the frog and jumping into the water…
Take out all of the fish and an opening in the bottom-right corner will appear.
Head through there and sniff out the truffle.
Super Thunder Truffles
The first Super Thunder Truffle is in Green Fields in this frame…
Head down into the pit and sniff the air as the pig to the left…
Now sniff out and grab your first Super Thunder Truffle!
For the second Super Thunder Truffle, head to this frame (Sorry for the map being filled out, we had to go back for this one because we lost the footage)…
Jump onto the platform to the right and ride it all the way up.
Jump off the platform to the left and ground-pound the bat, using the added momentum to keep going left.
And when you land on the platform with the door, go inside and get that truffle!
Head to this frame in The Lost Temples…
To get the door open, all you’ll need to do is kill all three bats hanging from the ceiling. It’d be much easier as the dragon but if you attempt this beforehand, do your best to draw them to you and try to stay on the platform and avoid the spikes below.
For the next Super Thunder Truffle, head to this frame in the Waterfall Area along the way to Deadwood Graveyard (if you’re able to, you can simply warp here)…
When you’re here, wait for the waterfall to stop and jump and fly to the top-left.
And there is a secret hidden area!
This part becomes SO much easier if you have the Dragon Talisman already, but you can still do it without it. Jump and fly over the spikes and rest below if you need to. If you fall into the water, you’ll end up where you started.
You’ll need to wait for the waterfall to stop again, but collect the stamina ghost if you need it.
Get past the second waterfall and then you’ll have to make your way through the spikes here…
Once you get past that, you can simply head through the door where this Super Thunder Truffle is there waiting for you!
Go through the portal in this frame and go directly right of there to possess the telescope (to be able to get the truffle, you’ll need to have Pepelogoo accompanying you)…
In the telescope, the floor is slippery and there are a lot of ghosts. All you want to do is flick the three switches on the ceiling.
Whilst doing that, do your best to avoid the zapping circle thing as it will take you out of the telescope (which is just annoying).
Now that you’ve done that and you have Pepelogoo with you, make your way to the bottom-left and shine his beam through the first magnifier and out of the telescope.
The massive beam that’ll come out will destroy the bulb that wouldn’t light up. This will then open up the door that you weren’t able to get through before.
And in there is a Super Thunder Truffle!
Super Tornado Truffles
Head to this frame in Misty Woods and climb up the rope.
Sniff out the Truffle and it’s all yours!
Sniff the air here and reveal a switch.
Flick the switch to create some stairs that will lead up to a room with a Super Tornado Truffle.
In this frame, you’ll want to head down the right side of the ice with the frog wearing the Crimson Boots.
Once you’ve dropped down and aren’t melting ice, head down the left side, but quickly move so as to not melt the next blocks of ice.
From here, you can head up and get the chest for some fire magic ammo, but to keep progressing, head down the middle column and through to the door.
Now sniff away and grab that Super Tornado Truffle!
Once you have the Ice Sword, head over to this frame with the waterfall in The Lost Temples…
When striking the waterfall to make ice blocks, keep jumping and striking in mid air to make platforms upwards.
Go up all the way and get that next Super Tornado Truffle!
The last Super Tornado Truffle is in The Deadwood Graveyard. You’ll need to first break these two tombstones…
Once you’ve done that, you’ll be able to go through this door which has the truffle inside…
Super Bomb Truffle
For the first Super Bomb Truffle, we want to be here in The Sewers…
On this platform, transform into the pig and sniff out the hidden door.
And inside is the first Super Bomb Truffle!
The second Super Bomb Truffle is in The Lost Temples at maze #2. In the first frame, we want to rotate the room anticlockwise and propel ourselves upwards.
In the next room, transform into the snake and make your way to the middle by going right. Turn the room clockwise (or anticlockwise) twice and make your way around to the door.
And in this room will be the truffle!
The third Super Bomb Truffle is in Pirate Shore in this frame…

Don’t dash like this, I’m just showing you the location
Go to the far left of the water just before the blocks and sink downwards as the Pig.
See the crack in the wall, all those years playing Legend of Zelda tells me that a bomb is what’s needed.
So blow it up, head on through, transform into the snake or the lion and float up to the left side opening, make your way over to the pile of leaves, sniff it out as the pig and collect the Super Bomb Truffle.
The fourth Super Bomb Truffle is in the Haunted Manor one frame south from here…
You’ll need to have solved the puzzle that will allow you to move the table over here, so if you haven’t and you’re not sure how to, click here. But if you have, then possess the table from the far right, move it to where the block was that you’ve hopefully broken and put the table right here…
Now head inside and grab that truffle!
For the last Super Bomb Truffle, head to this frame…
This is the runway that leads up to the Castle of Lupia. To get the Super Tornado Truffle, you’re going to have to take out all of the penguin guards. The guards with the spears can do a lot of damage, but you can use your shield to reflect their spears back at them. I would also recommend being the dragon, as you can attack them from a distance with your fireballs.
The sword and shield guards are easiest to take out by simply spamming fireballs at them.
Once you’ve taken them all out, you will then be able to head into this tower where the Super Tornado Truffle is.
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Lastly, here are the rest of our guides on Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom if you need them:
- The Volcano
- Waterfall Area / Deadwood Graveyard / Haunted Manor
- Three Relics
- Castle of Lupia
- Castle Prison
- The Dark Realm
- Lion Warrior Boss Guide
- Voldrake Boss Guide
- Nabu Boss Guide
- Lord Xaros Boss Guide
- Corked Well Guide
- Gold Armor Parts
- Gold Boots Parts
- Gold Bracelet Parts
- Gold Shield Parts
- Gold Weapon Parts
- Heart Pieces Guide
- Ollie’s Music Sheets Guide
- Power Gems Guide
- Legendary Gems Guide
- Golden Gems Guide