Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom - The Dark Realm

If you’ve been following our walkthrough up until now, you would have just gone through the gate to The Dark Realm and you would be here…
In here, you want to dash through the beams of light, as well as past the sound waves, but the beams of light can also harm some enemies.
To kill the diamond heads, you’ll need to get behind them and attack only when they open up and reveal their eye. Keep moving to the right, dodging beams of lighten and whatnot until you get to the cyclops. The trick with him is when he’s about to attack, you have a split-second opportunity to dash behind him and attack his back. Wash, rinse and repeat… always repeat.
For the next part, the weird freaky fish in the background will come up and attack you with gusts of wind if you’re not protected behind the crystal wall. To get across safely, you’ll need to dash through the gaps.
So get past that section (remembering to use the laser beams to kill the cell organism enemy) and proceed onwards to the teleport pad.
In this new area, head to the left and you’ll see a snake statue. Go up to it and press Y.
You’ll then be transported into a retro polygonal world (which is AWESOME) and you’ll have to make your way across as just the snake. On the first wall, wait for the spikes to have made their way past you and jump and cling onto the wheel. Now continuously dash to gain more speed and jump onto the other side before the spikes come back.
The second wheel is all about jumping into a gap between the spikes and jumping off onto the other side. For the third wheel, jump onto a gap and when the spikes go down, quickly go over to the next gap before the spikes come back up. Make it to the end of this one and you’re on the home stretch. Go through the portal on the other end and you’ll now be able to transform into the snake again.
After a short cut scene, make your way to the right of where you entered and go through the lion statue. This one is all about dashing and collecting the blocky stamina ghosts along the way. Make sure to go quickly otherwise the spiked wall behind will catch up to you. When you get to here, you’ll want to dash and jump up onto the platform above…
Once you’ve reached the end and have teleported out of there, you’ll be able to transform into the lion.
Now head back to the left side and make your way up-left towards the portal above…
In this room, transform into the lion and make your way to the right. See that weird sphere? You’re going to need to dash into that thing a few times to destroy it, it’s the only way to defeat it.
Once you’ve done that, a second teleport pad will appear next to the first one. Go through it and you’ll now be through the wall that was next to the first pad. Make your way to the right and through the frog statue.
In this challenge, you’ll be swinging from one hoop ring to the next as a polygonal frog. However, watch out for the tenth hoop as it will show up behind you. So be aware and on your toes! Once you make it to the end, the frog will be available for you again!
Now that you’re out as the frog, grab the bouncing block with your tongue just to your left and spit it out to your right. This allows you to go back to the beginning. So from here, head to your left and kill the cell organism monster by using your tongue to stun them first and then attacking them.
Once you kill it, the bows to the left will activate, allowing you to propel yourself over to the top-left section.
Transform into the snake and begin making your way up the moss-covered wall. All the way at the end will be the dragon statue, so head inside it. In here, you’ll simply be in another SHMUP section, but in awesome polygonal goodness! At the end, you’ll have to face off against two big armored guards. You’ll want to make sure that you stay in the air when it’s ideal to and use your fireballs on their backs when you can.
After that, get to the end and you’ll be able to transform back into the dragon.
Now that we’re the dragon, we want to fly all the way up in the middle to this section, transform into the frog and use your tongue on the + in the middle to rotate the room by 180 degrees to go into the health shop.
Now to continue, rotate the square so the gap is facing to the right…
Now transform into the human and dash and slash your way across. Once you’ve done that, go through the door.
In this room, there will be a chest with a Gold Weapon Part. To continue, we’ll need to have collected all of the Gold Weapon Parts and standing on the platform in front of the stone map will reveal the locations of Gold Weapon and Armor Parts on your map.
To continue with the main story, we only need to have collected the Gold Weapon Pieces, so click here for our guide on that.
Once you have the Golden Sword and have it equipped, head to this section in The Dark Realm and hack through the dark goo…
Up ahead, transform into the human to dash through the lasers and then transform into the lion. As the lion, ground-pound the dark goo with your sword, but watch out that you don’t jump too high and hit the laser above.
Make your way to the end and go through the statue to get the pig transformation back.
Inside the polygonal awesomeness, defeat the bats with your magic and sniff out the platforms one-by-one. Make sure that you pick up some fireballs whenever you are sent back to the start. You’re going to need them.
When getting to here, throw the boomerang though the wall so that the wall drops and sniff out the next platform just in time.
If you don’t jump onto the platform quick enough, don’t worry. Once you flick the switch once, it’ll always be down. However, you’ll want to sniff out the next platform from that one pretty quickly as it’s a little higher up.
At this part, use the lightning spell to retract both of the blocks on the ceiling. Jump onto the right platform and shoot a fireball to light up all three torches.
Keep moving onwards, collecting as many bombs as you can. Watch out for some invisible spikes by jumping onto the bottom moving platform (like I didn’t)…
Jump onto the higher platform again, use your bombs to destroy the blocks ahead and continue onwards to freedom!
Now we have all of our transformations back and it’s the first time that we’ve had all six at once! So now, we want to head back into the big room where we got our other four transformations back. Transform into the dragon and fly up into the square up the top-middle. Transform into the frog so that you can rotate the square to the right (little advice: you may want to heal yourself and get an elixir from the shop before proceeding) and then transform into the human so that you can make your way across. In the next room, make you way to the far-left and go through the portal…
In this room, attack the block of dark goo to go through it. Here, it’s all about dashing through the lasers and making it to the ledge over to the left…
For the vertical climb, attack upwards to get rid of the first bit of dark goo, and then we want to dash through the sonic waves into the crevices in the corner and attacking them to create room for ourselves.
Once you’ve made yourself around and down, defeat the diamond and the cyclops. Slash through the dark goo and transform into the snake so that you can fit through the hole in the bottom-right corner. Climb up the moss wall and then transform into the human and slash at the dark goo whilst jumping as much as you can in order to get rid of it.
When you get to the crossroads, slash through the dark goo to the left to proceed (unless you think you’re going to need an elixir, in which case go up-right first). Once you get rid of all the dark goo, a portal will appear for you to go through to the next stage of The Dark Realm.
Head up the stairs, make a pit stop at the shops to stock up on everything, save and continue right to go up against the final boss.
Click here for our guide on the final boss…
And after that… you’re done! CONGRATULATIONS!
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Lastly, here are the rest of our guides on Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom if you need them:
- Lord Xaros Boss Guide
- Corked Well Guide
- Gold Armor Parts
- Gold Boots Parts
- Gold Bracelet Parts
- Gold Shield Parts
- Gold Weapon Parts
- Heart Pieces Guide
- Ollie’s Music Sheets Guide
- Truffles Guide
- Power Gems Guide
- Legendary Gems Guide
- Golden Gems Guide