Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom - Power Gems Guide

Once you return to the village as the frog, you’ll be able to start collecting Power Gems. These Gems are used to upgrade your gear at the Blacksmith, so its very important to collect as many as you possibly can.
Green Fields
You’ll find the first Gem just west of Village of Lupia in Green Fields. Head to this frame…
… and as the frog, propel yourself upwards to the chest.
To get to the frame that we want to be in, dash as the lion through the bricks underneath this section.
In this section, we want to remain as the lion and ground-pound down the following sides (you can sniff out the bomb locations as the pig, but we’ve done that for you in the images below)…
After you’ve ground-pounded a few times, you can sniff out the chest in the wall as the pig.
Ground-pound on the left side downwards and then walk into this next gap.
Transform into the snake and wiggle through the hole.
And you’ll be in the room with the Power Gem chest.
Misty Woods
For this Power Gem, head to this frame…
In here, we want to sink down into the mud on the right. Do you see that little bit of mud on its own? Yeah, that one!
And when you sink all the way down, you’ll be in this room with the chest that contains the Power Gem.
Crystal Caves
For the first Power Gem of the Crystal Caves, we want to be in this frame (also be aware that you’re going to have had to collected at least four Super Tornado Truffles to fire 20)…
As the pig, ground-pound on the bulbous plant directly in the centre.
If you ground-pound it slightly to the side, you’ll shoot off in that direction. Like this…
If you’re beginning to lose your balance, you can lightly bounce on the plants in order to regain your composure. You won’t go flying as long as you don’t ground-pound. For the fourth and final bulb, ground-pound and the platform with the chest is in the top-right corner. Throw your 20 tornado spells at the chest and you’ll be rewarded with a Power Gem.
This next one is super easy! You’ll want to head to this frame, ignoring the rope up the top and simply falling down and to the room below…
In this room, head to the bottom floor, jump over the bouncy block and open the chest.
The lost Temples
The first Power Gem in this area is in this frame…
Stand up here and sniff out the chest that contains the first of the Power Gems in The Lost Temples.
The second Power Gem in The Lost Temples is when you are running away from the boulder, Indiana Jones Style.
The Gem is in the chest that you must open before the boulder gets you… or open it, die and then go down there again (that’s what I did).
You’ll be able to get the third of the Power Gems once you’ve been able to transform into the lion and have just got out of The Lost Temples dungeon. In this frame…
… charge to the right to break these blocks, and there is a secret chest hidden inside with the Power Gem in it.
Head to this frame and flick the switch up the top before the water slides…
Once you flick the switch, five little sparkling bits will show up that you will need to go through.
It can be quite difficult as the frog, but the aim is to basically ride the slides down and jump at the right times. You can also use the bouncy blocks and the bow down the bottom to have another try. I may have cheated and used the dragon to simply fly through them all, so if you can do that then do so. But regardless how you do it, once you’ve got all five of them, a chest will appear on the ground in the bottom-right corner with the Power Gem inside.
The Sewers
For this one, we’re going to either need to be in this frame or be falling from the lighthouse…
If you’re making your way there from underneath, use the frog’s tongue in order to propel itself with the bows up until this one shoots you towards the chest.
Transform into the pig (preferably the dragon if you can) and shoot ten fireballs at it to open it up and collect that Power Gem.
Pirate Shore
In Pirate Shore, transform into the frog and swim downwards from here…
Keep going down through the opening we had made when helping out the pirates.
Use your tongue to activate the bombs from a distance…
And as you keep swimming down and around, do you see the chest that’s hidden within the walls? That’s the one we’re looking for!
Continuing on with the progress we had made from the previous Power Gem, we want to keep swimming down to this frame (remember to equip the Prince Tunic and/or anything else that shines light)…
Swim to the right and up a bit until you come around to the chest…
For the third and last of the Power Gems in Pirate Shore, head to this frame on the right side of the lighthouse…
Transform into the frog, make your way up the ladder, jump and use your tongue to take out the hummingbird thing (because it will get in the way).
Transform into the snake to climb up the moss and jump onto the moving platform. When it gets to the other side, dash through the blocks and make your way up.
When you get to the top of this bit, transform back into the frog and jump across the platforms to the top-right ledge where a chest that requires ten thunder spells in order to open it.
Skullrock Beach
For this Power Gem, head underwater to this frame…
Swim to the bottom-left and head through, dashing your way past the bombs (you can also blow them up with the frog’s tongue).
Dash through the blocks and open up the chest to grab the Power Gem…
The Volcano
For this Power Gem, you’ll need to be the lion. Upwards dash into the button and then do the same on each block above so that the boulder can continue to roll down.
Repeat this for the next two and you’ll be able to get to the chest.
The second of the Power Gems in The Volcano is in the top-left corner of the map in the bouncing pinball-like area.
Make (bounce) your way over to the opening in the middle-right and drop down.
Go through all of the bouncing and make it to the top-right corner of this section to upwards dash into the button which will open the door as well as the first of two doors guarding the chest up the top that we want to get to.
Now, make your way through the pinball bouncy block section up to the top-left ramp entry…
When you slide down the ramp, you’ll end up on a platform. Jump onto the first three bouncing blocks and don’t double jump. Wait for the two rows to get closer and move over to the second one, then the third and then up to the ledge on the right (you can do a little jump if you need to, but only on your descent).
Dash upwards into the button and then make your way through the bouncy pinball section up to the top. Ground-pound the button just to the left in order to open up the second door and pop open the chest to get the last of the Power Gems in The Volcano.
Castle Prison
The first Power Gem is in the stealth section in the Castle Prison. You’ll come across this as you progress along the main path, but if you’ve skipped it, it’s just behind the penguin in this frame…
Village of Aeria
This first and only of the Power Gems in the Village of Aeria requires you to be in this frame on the edge of the floating island…
Simply drop down to the small cliffside below and you’ll be able to sniff out the chest that contains the Power Gem (probably a good idea to take out the clouds first because they can be annoying).
Haunted Manor
For the first Power Gem in Haunted Manor, head one frame south of this frame…
Assuming you’ve already cleared out the blocks on the left with the boulder, you’ll need to posses both tables and put them each in (or just above) the two sections of water below…
Now posses the spiked boulder to the far left and roll it all the way to the right, jumping on and off the tables to avoid falling into the water and breaking the blocks to get that Power Gem.
In Haunted Manor, head to this frame, which is one frame to the right of where you get Pepelogoo for the first time…
To get to that frame, transform into the snake and crawl through a hidden snake hole to the right.
Make your way over to this frame and shine Pepelogoo’s light at the lightbulb flower.
This will get rid of the pipe at the right side of the room. Jump up from the right and let the wind current take you to the left side so that you can cling onto the moss there.
Make your way up and around and jump at the right time through the platform on the right that is now pipe-free.
Cling onto the moss above you and head over to the left.
Go into the wind current and jump right at the end so that you can cling onto the moss above.
Make your way up and around to the snake hole that you can squeeze through and…
Get that Power Gem!
For this Power Gem, head to this frame with the conveyor belts…
Up the top, shine Pepelogoo’s beam at the lightbulb flower to drop the spiky ball.
Guide the ball down to the second row where you’ll need to change its direction when the spikes come down, only to make it go back to the left when they go back up.
When it drops to the third row, don’t change it’s direction and it’ll smash into the wall, revealing a chest.
To get to the chest, make your way to the right and down to the bottom where you can enter the conveyor belt.
Make your way up to the chest and grab the last of the Power Gems in Haunted Manor.
Castle of Lupia
The one and only Power Gem here is in this frame…
Fly up the middle section and watch out for the thing spitting down at you. Now open up the chest and there is the last of the Power Gems.
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Lastly, here are the rest of our guides on Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom if you need them:
- The Volcano
- Waterfall Area / Deadwood Graveyard / Haunted Manor
- Three Relics
- Castle of Lupia
- Castle Prison
- The Dark Realm
- Lion Warrior Boss Guide
- Voldrake Boss Guide
- Nabu Boss Guide
- Lord Xaros Boss Guide
- Corked Well Guide
- Gold Armor Parts
- Gold Boots Parts
- Gold Bracelet Parts
- Gold Shield Parts
- Gold Weapon Parts
- Heart Pieces Guide
- Ollie’s Music Sheets Guide
- Truffles Guide
- Legendary Gems Guide
- Golden Gems Guide