Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom - Ollie's Music Sheets Guide
Ollie’s Music Sheets are missing, and we have to find them… for some reason. This guide covers the location of all 21 pieces, so let’s get to it!
Village of Lupia
For this sheet, you’ll need to get the windmill going again in the town village. Head to this frame and to get the Sheet Music, you’ll need to jump onto one of the spinning blades and then jump onto the roof.

There is also another piece of sheet music on the roof of the Sanctuary…

This one is technically in The Sewers, but I found it easier to get to via the Village of Lupia. Anyways, going downwards from the village, you’ll be starting in this frame…

Here, make your way over to the hole on the right and transform into the snake to squeeze through it…

Now in this room, if you have the ability to transform into the dragon, you can just fly up there and grab it. But if not, use a lightning spell on both of the platforms on the left.
Now head to the moss on the right, transform into the pig and use a lightning spell to rotate the block so that the moss continues all the way.

Transform into the snake and climb up the moss. Jump onto the first platform, then the second that’s still upside down, and then jump and cling onto the moss on the other rotated platform. Wait for the platforms to spin back around and then jump over to collect another of Ollie’s Music Sheets.
Head to this frame on the stairs…

See that chicken in the middle there? Just standing around thinking that he owns the place? Hit him!

When he runs away, chase after him. If you’re determined to hit him with your sword, you’re going to have to duck and do it as he is quite small. Once you do that, a piece of Ollie’s Sheet Music will appear… because reasons.
Green Fields
For the first Music Sheet in Green Fields, head to this frame…

Jump up to the top-left platform sticking out of the pillar. Sniff here as the pig and that will reveal the Sheet Music.

For this one, you’re going to need to be one frame to the left of Village of Lupia…

Walk over the bridge and drop down into the little bit of water as the frog…

Walk to the right and you can proceed to walk underneath the bridge. Swim down and make your way all the way to here…

Use your tongue on the bow to shoot your way across and grab another of Ollie’s Music Sheet.
The Sewers
Head to this frame in The Sewers…

To get the Sheet Music that we’re looking for, we just want to take out the monster hanging from the ceiling with a fireball.

The Misty Woods
For this one, we’ll need to head right to the end of The Misty Woods…

To get up there, we’ll need to have defeated the boss already. As the snake, go through the bottom left opening as the snake and get over to the top-left opening.

In there… is one of Ollie’s Music Sheets!

Crystal Caves
For this sheet, you’ll need to be in this frame on the map…

There’s not too much to this one, as all you need to do is be sure to activating the crystals as you make your way up. Once you’ve done that, the sheet will be there waiting for you. Before you progress, make sure that you do so by clinging onto the moss and going to the next room from the ceiling.
For this Music Sheet, head to this frame and go down the slopes…

At this ramp, you’ll want to jump off at the end to the right and in the wall is one of Ollie’s Music Sheets.

How the heck did he leave it there!? Weird.

The lost Temples
For the first Sheet, you’ll need have just beat The Lion Warrior boss in The Lost Temples. Head a little to the right of this frame, defeat all of the enemies and step on the block that just appeared to go into the background. The Sheet Music is all the way to the right.

The second Sheet is in this frame behind the last explodable block.

Let the enemy bomber throw his bombs down until they’re all gone and collect that piece of Sheet music.

Pirate Shore
In this frame on the Pirate Shore, transform into the lion, ground-pound the switch on the ground, then dash across the water, up the ramp, jump over to the other side and grab that Sheet Music.

In this frame in Pirate Shore, you may become pre-occupied with the idea of making it across the invisible platforms that you may forget about sinking into the water.

Transform into the pig and sink down to the bottom-right.

Once your piggy hooves are on the moss, transform into the snake and make your way through, all the while destroying all of the blocks in your way. Keep going until you get taken by the current.

Notice that clam shell that changed your direction? That’s what we need to shift. To do that, grip onto the lower moss and follow it down and around to the switch in order to hit it.

Now head up and let the current take you to the left.

Go down again and the current will take you downwards instead. Hit that switch that’s there and jump to the right to cling onto the moss wall on the right.

Go down, cling onto the moss on the left, flick the switch and now let go and float upwards (you may want to grab that air bubble while you’re heading up). Let the current take you again and follow it around, but this time it’ll lead you downwards even further. Follow it all the way down and there’s another piece of Ollie’s Music Sheets!

As the frog, swim all the way down to this frame…

From the save point, swim to your right.

Keep following up and to the right…

Until you get up to the image below and start heading down and to the left.

All the way tucked in there is the Music Sheet we’re looking for!
Skullrock Beach
In Skullrock Beach, head to this frame as a frog and jump into the ocean…

Sink to the bottom and swim all the way to the left underneath the rocks.

Now Press B to dash through the bricks and the Sheet Music is just there waiting for you.

The Volcano
For the Music Sheet here, head to this frame as the snake and squeeze through the small hole to the far left.

Once you make it to the other side, head up and right through the hidden wall shown in the picture below…

Make your way across the moss as the snake, jumping from wall-to-wall and avoiding the fireballs.

In the next room, jump onto the first block and make your way around so that you’re hanging upside down. Drop when the other block is below you and hang upside down of that one so as to avoid the stalactite spikes. Now, make your way through to the next room.

This section is tricky to avoid the fireballs, however you can do so by hanging upside down like this…

Make your way to the end and in the next room is the Music Sheet!

Head to this frame…

You’ll want to head up and through the door.

In this room, you can use fireballs from the Fire Sword, the Pig’s fire spell or the dragon’s fire balls (if you’ve unlocked it) to make the ball of fire enemy expand (but no more than twice).

Once it’s big enough, use the Ice Sword to freeze it when it has jumped up at the far right.

Jump onto the frozen giant fireball, transform into the snake and jump through the gap towards the Music Sheet.

Haunted Manor
For the one piece of Ollie’s Music Sheet in Haunted Manor, head to this frame…

In here, go through the portal, possess the chandelier and bring it all the way up. Go down through the portal again, fly onto the chandelier and transform into the snake.

Slither your way through the gap and possess the spiked ball.

Drop down to the right and keep going right until you smash through the hidden wall in the bottom-right corner and collect the Music Sheet.

This Ollie’s Music Sheet is the result of the piano puzzle. To start the puzzle, you’ll need to be in this frame…

Fly up a little and go through the portal.

When you’re in the other dimension, you’ll want to examine the four information books on stands. There is one to the left, one just below, one in the top-right corner and the other to the right.

Now that we’ve examined each information book, make your way to the bottom, use your flamethrower breath on the bat lantern statue and then go through the portal.

Make your way to the left and possess the piano.

Inside the piano, go to the far right and strike the switch to get the rollers moving.

You’ll want to strike the corresponding string below so that the hammer hits the mark on the scrolling sheet music. The order for the sheets goes 1-2-4-3.

Once you’ve done that, you’ll be able to grab Ollie’s Music Sheet for the piano puzzle.

Castle of Lupia
For this one, head to this frame and make sure that the drawbridge is up.

Jump down. Don’t worry, you won’t die.

Instead, there’s a Music Sheet waiting for you!

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Lastly, here are the rest of our guides on Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom if you need them:
- The Volcano
- Waterfall Area / Deadwood Graveyard / Haunted Manor
- Three Relics
- Castle of Lupia
- Castle Prison
- The Dark Realm
- Lion Warrior Boss Guide
- Voldrake Boss Guide
- Nabu Boss Guide
- Lord Xaros Boss Guide
- Corked Well Guide
- Gold Armor Parts
- Gold Boots Parts
- Gold Bracelet Parts
- Gold Shield Parts
- Gold Weapon Parts
- Heart Pieces Guide
- Truffles Guide
- Power Gems Guide
- Legendary Gems Guide
- Golden Gems Guide