Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom - Castle of Lupia Walkthrough

So now that we’ve collected the Three Relics, and after all of the story beats, we should be in this frame in the Castle of Lupia…

Head left and through the first door you come across. Inside, transform into the dragon and use your flamethrower against the stone head’s flamethrower to whittle his down. Now push him to the right onto the button and that will open the door.

To carry on with the main story, head to this frame (but you can see some goodies scattered throughout if you’d like to collect them)…

Once you’ve head through the door here, watch out for the falling bits of roof and push the stone head to the left so that he’ll melt the ice wall. Keep on moving him to the left until he is on the wooden lift…

Once it’s there, fly upwards and use your flamethrower on the ice wall. Then go back down, use your flamethrower on the stone head in order to stop it from using its flamethrower, fly upwards, transform into the pig and ground-pound on the button to bring the stone head up. Now push him over to the right, whilst making sure his flamethrower doesn’t get you, and place him on the button on the right so that you can jump onto the bouncing block into the background.

Make your way across and onto the button back into the foreground. Transform into the pig or lion and ground-pound the button to bring down the lift. Hop on, let it take you up, transform back into the dragon, fly up into the top-right corner and ground-pound the button in order to lift the door that was stopping the stone head.

Once you’ve done that, head back down to the stone head by going left, transforming into the dragon and using your flamethrower on the ice wall.

Transform into the pig and throw a bomb at the bomb block. Now head down, transform into the dragon and use its flamethrower to stop the stone head’s fire. Push it to the right, over the button so that the lift comes down, and push it onto the lift. Now walk over to the left, walking over the first button so that the lift goes up with the stone head, and make your way up there via the opening we made with the bomb. Now head over to the right side of the stone head and push it all the way over to the left and onto the button at the end, opening up the way forward in the top-left corner.

From here, head down and you’ll be chased by a spiked ball. Transform into the lion and upwards dash through the blocks above. Turn into the snake and spit venom at the plant, climb the wall and spit at the next one. Once you get down from the moss, transform into the frog and use its tongue to pull out the log so that you can jump over the wall, fall down, transform back into the dragon, fly upwards to safety and go through the door.

You’ll now be outside, where you have to ride the wind currents to the other side. But first, make sure to equip the Cloud Boots so that you can stand on top of clouds. Transform into the frog, jump to your right and land on the first cloud. Then jump upwards so that you’ll land on the second cloud and use your tongue on the pillar above you to make it detract.

Now drop down to the left current which will take you back to the start of this puzzle. First use your tongue to grab the cog, and then repeat the process like we did originally, but this time, the current will take you further to the right onto a higher cloud. Kill the hummingbird without jumping (otherwise you’ll get caught in the wind current above and be taken back to the start). Now walk off the cloud to your right and jump high enough so that you land on the next cloud. Walk off the cloud to your right and you’ll follow the current onto another cloud in the middle. Whilst standing on the cloud, equip a different pair of boots so that you’ll fall through and land on the wooden platform. Spit the cog onto the platform and use your tongue to the right to pull out the log from the other side.

Now swallow up the cog again and spit it out onto the log that we just pulled out. Transform into the dragon and fly up and over to the other side. Land on the wooden platform and transform back into the frog. Use your tongue to pull out the log back to this side and the cog will come with it…

Swallow up the cog again and jump onto the stone platform to the right, and then right again so that you can ride the current upwards and to the end where you can use the cog to unlock the gate. Now proceed through the door and onto the next room.

In this room, the big stone block has two squares in the top-left and bottom-right corner that allows you to see what’s ahead. You can rotate the block by using the + in the middle.

rotate the square anti-clockwise and go down the stairs to the left…

To get to the far left, transform into the snake and slither under the gap that you won’t be able to see. Transform into the dragon and fly up to the ledge in the top-left corner. Now make your way to the right and you won’t be able to see what’s ahead, but I can show you…

Make your way over to the door and proceed onwards.

Use the flamethrower on the stone head and push it off the platform…

Princess Peach has really let herself go…

Push the stone head over to the left onto the button and use your flamethrower on the other stone head to stop it from spitting fire at you. Now push that stone head over to the left so that it falls onto the other button and it’ll explode… for some reason.

In the next frame, you’ll need to spit many fireballs at the switch. Just keep doing it, one of them will get through. That will open the gate in the top-right corner, so head up there. In the next room, stock up on health and potions and move onwards to speak to the king. Through a few minutes of a dialogue and a couple of plot twists (that aren’t really twists when you think about it), there will be a boss fight.

Click here for the boss fight against Nabu.

After you defeat you uncle Nabu, he’ll come back to his senses and you’ll be a human again. However, Mysticat will come and steal your Orbs… because he’s a cat burglar! Get it…? Because he’s a cat.

Ahem, You’ll be turned to stone, but the Three Relics that you collected will snap you out of it. Uncle Nabu will lead you to The Dark Realm Gates and you’ll get the Human Talisman that allows you to dash past enemies, surprise foes and pass through barriers. So now, it’s time to enter The Dark Realm!


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Lastly, here are the rest of our guides on Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom if you need them: