Monolith Soft Celebrates its 20th Anniversary Today

First party development studio, Monolith Soft, has experienced great success as of late, with their work on The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 for Nintendo Switch.

Today, the company celebrates its 20th anniversary and has done so by launching a special website with unique wallpaper artwork by company founder Yasuyuki Honne and a new company designer. Click here to check out the website and pictured below are the artwork pieces (these images have been scaled down for memory sake, so you’re best off downloading them from the original website):

Monolith Soft have since teased some more projects in the work for Switch and have also been confirmed to be working on The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild sequel, so we’re very excited to see what the future has in store for the company.