Kill It With Fire - Switch Review

Do you hate spiders? Do they make you cower in fear and wish you were braver? Look no further for a solution than Kill It With Fire, the game that lets you face your fears as a first-person shooter without actually having to be around spiders. Get ready for one of the weirdest/best sandbox simulators you'll ever play.


The core gameplay of Kill It With Fire is pure fun with a terrifying twist. The goal is simple: kill spiders by any means necessary. The combat mechanics are polished and the variety of weapons means that you can dispatch the horrible arachnids in ways befitting such scary creatures. While most games portray spiders as cryptid behemoths, these creepy-crawlies are so lifelike that it’s sure to make even the bravest jump.

Arachnophobes, beware! You’ll face swarms of spiders with different attack styles: some jump at you (these are the worst), some spit and some lay eggs but you’ll need to smite them all to proceed to new levels and unlock the massive arsenal available to you. This game is fast paced, fun and addicting.

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Enjoying our Switch Review so far? Don't forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for more Nintendo Switch content. Also, please consider supporting us on Patreon so that we can continue to keep the website running and get our fortnightly podcast two days early.

Level Design

Each level in Kill It With Fire is filled with secondary objectives (some of which are hilarious departures from the matter at hand), kill quotas, destructible environments and adrenaline fueled chaos. Each level is a unique sandbox with items to manipulate (usually to uncover spiders), flammable/explosive materials and a full palette of vibrant colors. The levels are relatively short if you do the dare minimum but they manage to squeeze a surprising amount of exploration into such compact spaces if you're looking to do all the side quests.

Graphics / Art Direction

The graphics for this game are simple but remarkable. The colors are vibrant, the animations are dynamic and smooth (especially weapon reload animations) and the simple style keeps the game from being too alarming. If this game looked like Resident Evil VII, I probably would've enjoyed it a lot less.

The colors seemed to have been chosen for maximum contrast with the tiny enemies. They never seem to be hidden in plain sight by an unfortunate choice of background color. In summation, the bright, smooth and exceptionally functional Kill It With Fire delivers some amazing graphics.

Final Score: 90%

Kill It With Fire is a spectacularly addictive, low-key thriller that doesn't take itself too seriously. The premise is pretty hilarious in itself and I found myself laughing on occasion that I was using molotov cocktails or a shotgun to kill a spider. The levels are intelligently designed and, most importantly, the game is incredibly fun. Most of the time when I am playing through a game for a review, I feel the need to take a break to play a game I know I already enjoy, but this title gripped me in a way few other games I've reviewed have. If I had one suggestion to the developers, it would be to look into VR; this game could really benefit from that level of immersion.

Thank you for checking out our Kill It With Fire Switch review, thank you to TinyBuild Games for providing the review code and thank you to our $5 and up Patreon Backers for their ongoing support: