Kickstarter Project of the Week: Zhelter

For this week’s Switch Kickstarter Project of the Week, we will be looking at G1 Playground’s Zhelter. The game is slated to release in 2021 on Steam and with Nintendo Switch as a stretch goal. Here is the overview:

Zhelter is about surviving a Zombie apocalypse, saving survivors, building shelter. How long do you think you can stay alive in this nightmare?

By unknown causes, the Zombie apocalypse has arrived. They’ve burned cities, and you’ve lost your family, friends.

But, you’ve been saved by a group – people who have accepted you as a new family member. The world is now filled with these furious Zombie creatures, but your new family is saving people without losing hope.

After the end of world, you built a new civilization and society with these people. It’s not the same as before, but eventually you adapt to a new life with them.

But not for long.

A large scale Zombie horde crushes your shelter. You fight, but it’s not enough.

You’re alone once again.

Do you think you can still find new hope?

Do you think you can still fight, this time alone, against an endless Zombie horde?

Firstly, it has to be mentioned that the topdown sprite-based graphics look incredible with clean visuals and smooth animations. Zombie games have been done to death, but Zhelter looks to combine the zombie genre in a topdown twin stick shooter with farming simulation, allowing you to fully experience the survival aspect of the apocalypse. Zhelter could possibly be the best zombie apocalypse game to date!

Zhelter requires $20,000USD and is currently sitting at $10,044USD after 333 backers with 41 days remaining. In regards to a Nintendo Switch port, it has a stretch goal of $200,000, which doesn’t seem particularly likely. However with enough support and getting the word out, anything is possible. So if you’d like to support the development of this game and support some hard work developers in their time of need, click the link below to visit the Kickstarter page.

Thank you to our $5 and up Patreon Backers for their ongoing support: