Kickstarter Project of the Week: The Adventures Of Breadman

For this week’s Switch Kickstarter Project of the Week, we will be looking at AlphaSoftWorks’ The Adventures of Breadman. The game is slated to release in September 2020 on PC and Consoles (including Nintendo Switch). Here’s the rundown:

The Adventures Of Breadman is a food-based action-adventure RPG set in a vast, mysterious world full of fruits and vegetables. Along breadman’s journey travel by land, air, and sea to uncover secrets and learn the truths about your existence.

The Adventures Of Breadman is a fully open world experience in which players can go from running through grassy fields full of giant potatoes to climbing giant snowy ice cream mountain peaks to soaring across boiling tomato soup volcanoes. But as breadman is on his search for truth, he can’t let his guard down because there are always threatsaround every corner.

The Adventures Of Breadman offers an massive unrestricted open world full of mysteries and secrets, and players can traverse the world anyway they’d like. The world challenges players with puzzles to complete and dozens of temples full massive monsters and rare items.

Temples are zones that are spread throughout the world that give the player unique challenges to face. They are riddled with bosses and puzzles. No one temple is the same, one temple may be inside of a giant tree, and another may be inside of a giant peach or on the side of a mountain.

The Adventures of Breadmad requires $55,000(USD) and is currently sitting at $4,790(USD) with 20 days remaining. 

Click here to check out The Adventures of Breadman on Kickstarter and perhaps consider chucking a few $ their way.