BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! Single-Player 100% Walkthrough: World 14 (Drifting Through Zero-G)

BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! may start off pretty simple, but it gets tricky pretty quickly. So let’s get started on the single-player segment: World 14 Drifting Through Zero-G.
As there is a lot to cover, you may stumble across a solution to a level that may either be incomplete or not to the best it could be. If you have any solutions, please be so kind as to email us at and we’ll be sure to provide credit if we use it.
World 14-1
Boxes Used: 0
As the tutorial suggests, walk right to drift through the zero-g. For the second part, do as the other tutorial shows; sink down and make a box to the left to push yourself. Make sure to retract it once you’re through.
Next, drift to the right and make one box left then down push yourself up. Then up the top, make a box to the left and retract the boxes you’ve made when you’re out.
For the Crown, drift to the right and then push yourself up by making one box left then down. Next, we’ve got to be quick: make a box right then when in-line with the Crown, make a box up to push yourself down into it.

Push yourself back up, left, down then right to the door.
World 14-2
Boxes Used: 32
Drop down into zero-g and fall to the bottom. As the tutorial shows, make four boxes to pull yourself to the block. Do that for the next two, and wrap yourself around the last block to get the Crown.

Then make two boxes to pull yourself to the right side of the block and make one box to the left to push yourself through (make sure to retract the box at the end).
For the next section, walk to the right to drift to the first block. Make four boxes to the second block, four to the second but underneath the block, two to get to the left side of it and then make four boxes in the order as shown below…

World 14-3
Boxes Used: 40
Make five boxes to snake your way up through the gap. Next make only four boxes to snake around so that you’re inline with the Crown. Then make five boxes to snake through the Crown and to the other side as shown below.

Continue to snake through and get to be inline with the second Crown. Then make two boxes left, one up and two right grab it and pull yourself to the end of that wall.

Now snake your way up to the top and use four to the wall above so you drop down and get to the door.
World 14-4
Boxes Used: 34
Make a few boxes to the left to push yourself to the right and retract them. Make five boxes up and then two to get just under the sparks. Then make five boxes to get to the box in the middle and four boxes to snake around to the other side.
Now for the Crown, make five boxes to collect the Crown and get to the box on the other side.

Simply snake up and around using as little boxes as possible to get to the door.
World 14-5
Boxes Used: 0
First, you’re going to need to be quick in this stage. Make two boxes to the left to push yourself to the right, retract them quickly and make two boxes upward so that you push yourself onto the step. Then push off to the right.
For this next bit, drift down then left into the bottom-left corner. Retract the boxes and then really quickly, make one box left then down to push yourself through the tunnel in between the sparks.
Now push yourself to the top-left corner, push down and then to the right so that you drift through the bottom path and collect the Crown (remember to retract the boxes at the end).

World 14-6
Boxes Used: 3
Jump into the zero-g and make a box above you and then to the left to push yourself to the right, making sure that the box above you protects you from the laser.
Step into the next zero-g and drift to the right. Make one box left and then down to drift upwards. Then make a box up and left to drift out of the zero-g.
Don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten about the Crown. Here, walk back into the zero-g and make a box above but don’t let it go because after you’ve gone through the laser, retract it to grab the Crown.

From here, quickly make a box left then up to go down through the laser. Then retract so you have one box to the left and make another one down to push yourself up. When you hit the end, retract the boxes and make one box up and right to come back out the other side.
Now that that’s done, we’re at the last part. Walk into the zero-g and hold a box above you. In the bottom-right corner, we’re going to need to be quick again. Retract that first box, make one left and then another down to push yourself upward. Whilst drifting, make a box to the right and when BOXBOY is in line with the Crown, make another box to the right to drift into the Crown as shown below.

Now that you’re out of there, make a three-boxed forward facing L to use as steps to get up to the door.
World 14-7
Boxes Used: 8
To start, drift up. Push off to the right and quickly retract the boxes. When the time is right, make one box up to drift downwards, make a box to the left, make one box down and when you’re inline with the Crown, make another box downwards to push yourself up into it as shown below.

From here, make five boxes to pull yourself to the top part of the right ledge and then another three so that there are no sparks above you. Drift yourself upwards and retract them again.
Now this part is tricky. Make two boxes to the right. Then another up and then right when you’re inline with the Crown to drift towards it.

As soon as you push yourself to the left, you need to retract two boxes and when the second box is inline with the solitary spark in the middle, make one box downwards to push yourself upwards and have the second box stop your momentum as shown below.

Now retract them and make two boxes to the left to push yourself towards the door.