BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! Co-op 100% Walkthrough: World 5 (Two Can Spring to the Top)

BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! may start off pretty simple, but it gets tricky pretty quickly. So let’s get started on the co-op segment: World 5 (Once Zapped, Twice Boxed)
As there is a lot to cover, you may stumble across a solution to a level that may either be incomplete or not to the best it could be. If you have any solutions, please be so kind as to email us at and we’ll be sure to provide credit if we use it.
World 5-1
Boxes Used: 6
The first spring can be used without any boxes to bring both players over. The second spring can be used as shown in the demonstration, but you only need to use two boxes.
Make two horizontal boxes on the spring and ride it up to grab the Crown.

Then have one player get to the button in the top-right and place a box on it. Finally to get to the door, place a box on the spring and it up to the door.
World 5-2
Boxes Used: 14
Have one player use two boxes on the spring but DON’T LET GO. Have the other player use the boxes to get over to the top-left platform and make two vertical boxes to cover the blue silhouette. Have the bottom player retract the boxes and have both players use the spring to get up and over.
Have one player drop down and make three vertical boxes to cover the red silhouette. Then have that player use the spring to bounce back up to the top-left and have the other player make two boxes to the right. Have the first player stand on top of the boxes and the other needs to jump to hook the box onto the top-right platform and bring themselves over.
Lastly, have one player make four boxes horizontally and drop it straight down so that it lands on the spring and covers the blue silhouette. Have both players jump down and have the other player make three horizontal boxes to the right whilst keeping ahold of them. That way, the first player can stand on those boxes and grab the Crown.

Make your way to the top right (player 2 by hooking onto the right ledge and move onwards to the door.
World 5-3
Boxes Used: 13
Have one player drop two vertical boxes down next to the spring so that it will shoot out and cover the blue silhouette. Then have the other player make a single box and have it teetering on the edge so that it can be used as a step up.
This time, make three vertical boxes and drop it down next to the spring. Have the other player jump on top of the first and over to the other side. There, make a single box leftwards and hold onto it over the gap. The first player can then jump onto the box and to safety. Then the other player can drop that box onto the button.
This last part requires you to be quick. Have one player make three boxes (right, down x2) and throw it down to the spring. Then have the other player jump down there, quickly grab the Crown, make a right hook with three boxes (up x2, right) and have the first player use it as a bridge to get other. Now the player below needs to jump and hook onto the right ledge before he spring activates.

World 5-4
Boxes Used: 8
Have one player make three boxes vertically and throw it into the bottom-right corner. Then have the other player drop down on top of the boxes, collect the Crown and time the jump with other player on the red button so that you’re on top of the spring. Now make a left hook (up x2, left) and jump to the top-left and make your way back up.

Now that the other player is back up, make two vertical boxes and have the first player step off of the red button. Throw the boxes down to land on top of the others, step back onto the button and that will open up the entrance to the door.
World 5-5
Boxes Used: 13
Have BOXBOY make two vertical boxes and place it to cover the blue silhouette. Then have BOXGIRL stand on the red button to pop out the spring so that BOXBOY can get up.
Have BOXGIRL throw a single box as far right into the spikes as possible. Jump onto it and over to the other side. Have BOXGIRL make three vertical boxes to the left side and drop them into the spikes right next to the spring. Now BOXBOY needs to stand on the red button in order to activate the spring which will push the boxes to the blue silhouette. To get up and out, have BOXBOY make a single box to get up and out and BOXGIRL moves forward.
In the last segment, have BOXBOY make three horizontal boxes and place it so that the far left box is teetering on the edge. BOXBOY now needs to cross the boxes like a bridge and jump over to the top-right ledge. Down below, BOXGIRL needs to make a right hook (right, up, right) and place it just right of the spring. Have BOXGIRL jump onto the boxes and BOXBOY up top to activate the spring so that BOXGIRL can grab the Crown.

Now have BOXBOY jump back over to the left, push the three horizontal boxes down and over into the spikes so that BOXGIRL can make it to the door as well.
World 5-6
Boxes Used: 15
On the left, have BOXBOY make two horizontal squares, throw them onto the spring and jump on. On the right, BOXGIRL needs to make a three-boxed set of stairs (left x2, up) and stand on the upmost box and wait for the spring to shoot them both up. The right boxes will cover the red silhouette, temporarily opening the roller door for BOXBOY to jump through and onwards, whilst BOXGIRL can jump up and onwards as well.
For this next section, BOXGIRL needs to make three boxes horizontally with the middle box on the spring. Jump onto the right box and ride it up to grab the Crown.

Have BOXBOY stand to the spring and make four boxes in an S shape (right x2, up, right) and without dropping it, wait for the spring to shoot BOXBOY and the boxes up. Whilst this is happening, BOXGIRL needs to be standing on the left box and when BOXBOY’s boxes are covering the blue silhouette, BOXGIRL needs to jump through that temporary opening. Once that’s done, BOXBOY can hook onto the edge and bring himself up.

Lastly, one player needs to make three horizontal boxes, the right one being on the far left spring so that they can ride them up and get to the door.